More and more streaming FAST channels on DISH

There’s nothing between 89 and 100. I’m told they may show up in a few days, so I guess I’ll just wait.
That is strange because the 99 channels have been there forever and do not require broadband. Did you go to Menu, Menu, Settings, Parental Control, Locked Channels to make sure the channels were not locked out?
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That is strange because the 99 channels have been there forever and do not require broadband. Did you go to Menu, Menu, Settings, Parental Control, Locked Channels to make sure the channels were not locked out?

I just looked, they are not locked. I guess it’s a subscription thing.
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Are you saying you know for a fact that they are tied to specific packages? If you know that for a fact why not just share that information? What specific packages are they tied to?
No I am not saying I have any inside information. What I am saying is that if he shares his package those with that same package can pipe in as to whether they get the fast channels or not.

Select Flex and AT120 or higher. Sort by channel number. These are at the bottom and are not available in Flex. It's probably safe to assume they're not in anything less expensive than Flex either, someone mentioned Welcome Pack. They don't appear to be in any of the Latino packages either.
What package are you subscribed to. When you tell us that we’ll have a better idea if that is true or not.

I called them up about something else and asked about this too. The lady said you need the America’s top 120 pack or better to get those channels. She said we have the flex pack so we don’t get it. No big deal really, I can live without them. I just thought there might be some free stuff I wasn’t aware of.
I called them up about something else and asked about this too. The lady said you need the America’s top 120 pack or better to get those channels. She said we have the flex pack so we don’t get it. No big deal really, I can live without them. I just thought there might be some free stuff I wasn’t aware of.
Thanks for checking and reporting your findings. 😀

I'm tired of the H3 audio cutouts.

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