MLB Strike Zone to Launch

Scott Greczkowski said:
With all the Yankees coverage they had last night it would have been nice to see some of the Yankees stuff from the YES feed. :)

MLBN almost always uses the home team's feed for highlights and live lookins. They also use the home team's feed whenever they show full live games on MLBN. I assume this channel will be the same way. That's why you weren't seeing any YES footage.
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What do you guys think so far about strike zone, for me not to sure yet.
Wasn't impressed. The live look-ins lasted about 20 to 30 seconds. In baseball, that's usually a pitch or two. Didn't watch any more than that. It felt more like the MLB Network than a channel that does live look-ins for games, ie... an inning here, an inning there.
I thought they got better as the show progressed. The first few innings of the first games were atrocious, with more time spent showing their box scores or gamecast slides. The later innings they started to actually let you watch a few of the games and then go over to the action.

I think with a live show like this the best thing will be giving the feedback on what they want. I know I saw NFL Redzone progress to a better show after getting more feedback. I hope that Strikezone goes this same direction.
I tried(!) to record it, and all I got was a black screen.

Not impressed.
I tried recording on my Hopper on the HD feed and the same thing happened to me (I am on the Eastern Arc) I stopped the recording then changed channels and went back to the HD feed then the picture came in.

But with what I saw I must say I was not impressed at all with the new Strike Zone channel.
I'm with DirecTV. But I want to ask: Does any of the Dish Network subscribers think that, in coming years, the MLB Extra Innings seasonal package will be available on Dish?
They had MLB EI for a few years but got rid of it because the amount of subscribers it had was not enough to pay for the package. (ie they were losing money by carrying it)
Very doubtful, they would really have to do it in HD and I just don't think they can do that. And as mentioned it didn't go well last time. Baseball is my first sport, I wouldn't get it. MLBTV is much more versatile, and having MLBN allows for some extra games each week which may be enough for many.
Add to that I often can see the last inning(s) of games on all the RSN's with the $9 sports package.
If the price MLS charges to Dish makes it that they only need to sell say 250 subscriptions and make money why wouldnt you carry it?
If MLB EI needs say 1/2 million subs to make it profitable and they dont reach it then they are losing money.

Thanks. (And I hope you have a good vacation.)

I am sorry MLB Extra Innings seasonal package was a loss for Dish Network.
Iceberg said:
If the price MLS charges to Dish makes it that they only need to sell say 250 subscriptions and make money why wouldnt you carry it?
If MLB EI needs say 1/2 million subs to make it profitable and they dont reach it then they are losing money.

True mls direct kick is the cheapest at $79
since its part time its not as relevant as to what satellite its on

If you were in Puerto Rico (PR) it will be relevant because if the HD feed stays on 110 always it will always be available in HD in PR. If they move the HD feed to 129 it will not be visible in PR, unless they put it in 61.5 but they already have it on 72.7
Wasn't impressed. The live look-ins lasted about 20 to 30 seconds. In baseball, that's usually a pitch or two.
yep, pretty horrible channel. I suppose if your attention span is 1 second, it's the channel for you. I like to lay back and watch at least half inning or inning of a game before moving on. I find the IOS app has a more leisurely pace of going around the yards than MLBN SZ does. Plus, SZ only half-*** things. I tuned in Friday evening to see some of the late games and the channel was just a slate, even though there were several late games about midway through. I don't know why they didn't run the channel until the slate of games was finished for the day. As for buying MLB EI on DISH if ever offered, I would not. I would be paying like $70 more than I do by buying MLB.TV premium, plus on DISH you are locked into DISH rather than able to watch the games on all sorts of devices (three for me currently). I dare MLB to become inventive - how about putting MLB EI on almost all sat and cable providers, charge one price no matter if you are internet, internet appliance or cable/satellite user and that subscription allows you to watch on your pay-tv provider, on the internet, or on your internet appliance. As long as old fart Selig is overseeing MLB, I doubt they would do anything that cool to open it up to more people with more flexibility in ways to watch it.

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