Received new lamp Wednesday and just installed... will try later today, received HC1500 less than an hour ago and replaced the HD1000U with it in my HT room... looks very good!
Have the HD1000U set up in bedroom with a Toshiba A2... right now a 100" screen, looks astounding... now for a sound system...(pc speakers with a sub) new Lamp made a difference...
I'm using my 1000 more than the 1500... been watching it every night until it ends up watching me.... (need to set timer) bought an inexpensive HT in a box (will go to a camper when I upgrade) works for now....
I now see that they have the 1600 out and I do not see the 1500 on projectorpeople website. I still have not bought a projector after all this time but waiting to get my place done before I buy one. I have been holding out for the LED light engine in these projectors and heard that they are going to be release at the end of the year. I hear they will be around $10K though.
I have one in the bedroom & kids game room/playroom as well. More portable, expandable and a better value that like size & featured "flat panels". I don't see them as extravagant at all; simply the smarter purchase.
Sometimes when I am sick or just want to lay in bed and watch a show. Sometimes the wife and I just want to be private and watch TV behind a locked door. I was unaware that a TV in the bedroom was so odd. I figured it was the norm; so why not have the best TV in that room like my den? I thought I was simply using common sense.