Might come back to satellite

They come up with that because Dish is HD Lite with 1440x1080 HD
And Directv is 1920x1080 Full HD.

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As a matter of fact they do matter.
We would not be having this conversation if Dish was providing full Res HD.

Whether people can notice or not doesn't matter, but when they can notice, and Consumer reports even notices, there is a Technical reason that Dish Networks HD is in fact less impressive.

No one is stating that Dish and Directv is miles apart in HD PQ, But like it or not there is a Technical reason on why they are not the leader.
And it starts by not having Full RES HD.

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It would be nice if they would provide 1920 x 1080 on their 1080i channels. I doubt that is the difference people are seeing when comparing picture quality though. I would think compression would be a bigger factor. Keep in mind that Dish's 1440 x 1080 on 1080i channels is still higher than 720p's resolution of 1280 x 720. If 1440 x 1080 is HD lite than 720p isn't HD at all.

Unless you are saying Directv looks better on 1080i channels but not 720p channels than your numbers aren't actually the important factor. Most people would not be able to see the difference between 720p and 1080i. Since the difference between 1440 x 1080 and 1920 x 1080 is much smaller than the difference between 1920 x 1080 and 1280 x 720 even less people would be able to see it.
...and Consumer reports even notices, there is a Technical reason that Dish Networks HD is in fact less impressive.
I'll ask again, where in CR literature do they give any more details than their graphical symbols (equating a 1-5 scale) do they say anything of the sort ? I'll tell you, they don't. Or will your response AGAIN be "it's a fact" or "Google it"?

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You can't dispute facts.
Dish HD is 1440x1080
Directv is 1920x1080.

Comsumer reports claims Directv's HD is better, so do most people whom acually seen and had Directv HD.

So what are you guys still trying to argue about?
If dish was putting out full res HD, Again maybe dish would have better HD PQ then Directv.

What is so hard to understand.
Are you offended by Acual facts?

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You can't dispute facts.
Dish HD is 1440x1080
Directv is 1920x1080.

Comsumer reports claims Directv's HD is better, so do most people whom acually seen and had Directv HD.

So what are you guys still trying to argue about?
If dish was putting out full res HD, Again maybe dish would have better HD PQ then Directv.

What is so hard to understand.
Are you offended by Acual facts?

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Did you even read my post? Are you saying that Directv is better on 1080i channels like NBC, CBS, etc... but not 720p channels like all of the ESPN/ABC/Disney or Fox owned channels. You talk about facts but yours aren't totally right. Not all Directv HD is 1920x1080 and not all Dish HD is 1440x1080.

Dish 1080i channels (CBS/NBC/etc) = 1440x1080
Directv 1080i channels (CBS/NBC/etc) = 1920x1080

Dish 720p channels (ESPN/ABC/FOX/etc) = 1280x720
Directv 720p channels (ESPN/ABC/FOX/etc) = 1280x720

If your argument is that Directv looks better because it has a slightly higher resolution than you are saying Directv only looks better on 1080i channels. They would be equal on 720p channels because they are the same resolution there.

The real truth is that if there is a difference it is mostly because of compression. Maybe Dish is trying to fit more channels in the same amount of bandwidth or they have less bandwidth to work with.
Dish HD is 1440x1080
Directv is 1920x1080
It's been years since I've seen definitive proof of either D* or E* resolution numbers taken from their streams. Links from Google aren't "facts".

Just for fun.... will check back shortly....

DirecTV's "HD" resolution is 1152 x 648
Dish Network's "HD" resolution is 1920 x 1080
A little followup on the Mediacom issues. Checked a few channels today at random and things seem a little better. Still some AV glitches, but not nearly as many or as often. I've set a recording of a boxing match rerun tonight to see if the 'jitter' in fast action close ups is still there. And I checked with Mediacom and they cheaped out! They didn't replace the node as the tech told me was going to happen. I don't fault the tech as I think he told me what he had been told. Instead they did some undefined maintenance. I told them I wasn't pleased that they didn't do what they really should have done. The node in this neighborhood is one of the oldest in their system.

Now on to the D* vs E* HD resolution... ;)

Hall, where did you get those numbers in your last post? Or are you just jerking our gherkins?? :attention
Compression/bandwidth is the culprit in differences in HD PQ, not resolution, as pointed out by the fact that 1920x1080i and 1280x720p shows little difference, and 1440x1080i is in between those.

I contend that at the same bandwidth, 1440x1080 would look no worse and possibly even better than 1920x1080 because it would be compressed less.
A little followup on the Mediacom issues. Checked a few channels today at random and things seem a little better. Still some AV glitches, but not nearly as many or as often. I've set a recording of a boxing match rerun tonight to see if the 'jitter' in fast action close ups is still there. And I checked with Mediacom and they cheaped out! They didn't replace the node as the tech told me was going to happen. I don't fault the tech as I think he told me what he had been told. Instead they did some undefined maintenance. I told them I wasn't pleased that they didn't do what they really should have done. The node in this neighborhood is one of the oldest in their system.

Now on to the D* vs E* HD resolution... ;)

Hall, where did you get those numbers in your last post? Or are you just jerking our gherkins?? :attention
Are you seeing this on any particular channel? I notice extreme pixelization on NBCSN with Mediacom in Des Moines.
Unfortunately, no. I've been seeing the glitches on almost all channels though some are worse than others.

The 'jitters' in close up fast action on boxing is in every fight I've seen.
And I checked with Mediacom and they cheaped out! They didn't replace the node as the tech told me was going to happen. I don't fault the tech as I think he told me what he had been told. Instead they did some undefined maintenance. I told them I wasn't pleased that they didn't do what they really should have done. The node in this neighborhood is one of the oldest in their system.
You can't blame them for trying that (first). All you can do now is -- and it will likely require more than just you -- to continue complaining, tell your neighbors to do so as well.

Who told you what was done ? I'm surprised they told you anything more than "we performed repairs at your location" without giving any details.
This is not new information.

Here is one link.

Plus feel free to look yourself at DBSTALK, AVS, and even here at satelliteguys.
I found this on Google, https://www.google.com/search?q=Dir...ome..69i57&sourceid=chrome&es_sm=119&ie=UTF-8, and it says Directv's resolution is 1152 x 768. It's from Google, so it's a fact...It's the first link for me but may show up in different positions for others. Just look for the text "Might come back..." in the heading.
I asked at the Mediacom support forums and one of the representatives checked for me. Originally the tech that came earlier in the week said he was told that they would be working last night to change out the node. I guess when they started it was determined they could avoid doing that. The tech that came by told me he had lots of calls in the neighborhoods served by this node, all with the same issues.

As it sits right now if the boxing match I record tonight doesn't have the motion glitches I'll stay with Mediacom because I do like the Tivo a lot, the money savings is nice and they do have the channels I actually do watch in HD. OTOH if the motion glitches are there I'll get out the Magic 8 Ball and see what it tells me to do between D* and E*. :)
I know where this thread is heading.

Stop fighting over whether or not the facts are facts or where the source is factual or not.

It leads to threads get locked or members getting suspended/banned.

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