I have to agree with a previous statement. I think the difference is minute, but the difference in the quality of equipment is night and day. Overall, people always throw out OTA to compare, which is unfair as it is uncompressed. If Dish or DTV only had to offer a handful of channels, they would be uncompressed as well... so lets rule that one out. In all honesty, if someone wants to say DTV is better, or Dish is better... it is their own opinion, and not fact. You cannot convince me DTV is better, as I prefer the features of my Hopper and Joey. I use DTV on a regular basis at my brothers house, so I am trying to adjust to it, but I still prefer my equipment. Best thing about Dish...I can customize the price and equipment and package to suit my needs. Cannot do that with anyone else really. DTV is $6.50 no matter which box I get. Even If I do not want a fee, I could go 211, and with DTV I would still be paying. Dish is lower in programming costs, and their Customer Service is better... GO DIRT... So when you look at all aspects of what matters to someone like me, DTV doesnt stand a chance. It is the exact opposite argument with my brother, who will never leave as long as they have NFLST. Its a matter of preference to each individual. PQ is completely comparable, however, PERIOD.