I have tried a factory reset. It doesn't appear to be due to the drive not being available. Two drives have been used. One usb powered the other from a wall wart. The last time there was a problem I was viewing another recording so I'd have to say the drive was available. The micro stopped the recording that was being viewed. The pop up window that appears before recording displayed. The light never turned red. The timer still existed at this point. When the time at which the recording should have ended arrived an end of recording pop up displayed. When the timer queue was checked the timer was gone. There have been far fewer problems since all timers were changed to weekly instead of daily. There is at least one other post from another individual in this thread reporting the same thing.
I certainly understand why fixing the issue with receivers rebooting incessantly took priority. The micro is still far more reliable than any other receiver I have owned.
I certainly understand why fixing the issue with receivers rebooting incessantly took priority. The micro is still far more reliable than any other receiver I have owned.
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