Scanned back in these postings on timers Saw some mention of timers deleting themselves, ran into that yesterday on a daily record of ME-TV. Was manually recording ahead of the event on closeby satellite. Had one minute between (manual) end of the close-by satellite recording end, and the Me-TV.
Me's scheduled recording never began. So, I started it manually and set it for 59 minutes.
Tonite, I went to check for the startup of the regular ME recording, it was gone.
Has it been determined that a manual start of a regularly scheduled recording will delete the daily timer? I didn't see this conclusion, but scanned many pages and could have missed this.
Still on original firmware, as I have not experienced any serious issues, but if necessary can save my files to the program-recording drive (hard drive, not USB thumb is okay, right? that's what's always connected to grab my shows) and update if that "fix" is in the update first issued.
Still very happy with overall reliability, and the small quirks are much less than any other receiver I"ve had since joining the FTA club about 3 years ago!