I kind of thought that they kind of wrapped up the series with the patriotic season ender showing the new president sworn in by the judge. The rest of the crew were all having fun in the bar. The only thing that merited a return was the shooting of the doctor in the hotel. Other than that they could of cut that out and the show series could of ended with a somewhat optimistic, happy ending.Ha! I could see them simply re-titling the show, The Last Ship: With some new subtitle. But I doubt that would happen. Its intriguing, and challenging for the writers. They could make this a rebuilding America show; kind of like Jericho Season 2; or they could focus on a continued conflict with the immune from within, or abroad. But they could also kill it just because it doesn't have the same "last ship" qualities that made season 1 and 2 so good.
Regan will take on the series regular role of Last Ship's Sasha, a former Naval Intelligence Officer who's working in China on behalf of the United States government.
Wow, that was informative.
I kind of thought that they kind of wrapped up the series with the patriotic season ender showing the new president sworn in by the judge. The rest of the crew were all having fun in the bar. The only thing that merited a return was the shooting of the doctor in the hotel. Other than that they could of cut that out and the show series could of ended with a somewhat optimistic, happy ending.
I don't know if I would be too interested if they start cruising into foreign ports of call. Unless, maybe they are there to spread the cure. But then the show will just be more bad guys trying to take out the "last ship" and prevent them from spreading the cure for their own nefarious reasons, just like the Brits did last season. It would get very redundant fast.It'll be interesting to see how they expand it into a worldwide scope...
Was it on VOD?I was able to watch the first hour of the two hour season premiere on PlayStation Vue. Our worst fears are confirmed, I'll leave it at that, but then again, it's only the first hour of the season premiere that I watched.
I'm not sure, you'll have to check with your service. Maybe Sling TV has it too, I just know that Vue has it & I was able to watch the first hour of the two hour premiere, plus they also had a 5 minute preview, again of the two hour premiere.Was it on VOD?
I have vue, thats what I was wondering if it was on Vue vod, or was this a live sneak peek.I'm not sure, you'll have to check with your service. Maybe Sling TV has it too, I just know that Vue has it & I was able to watch the first hour of the two hour premiere, plus they also had a 5 minute preview, again of the two hour premiere.
Go to the TNT channel on Vue, & then to the Last Ship, the one hour recording was there last night. I hit favorite for the Last Ship awhile ago, & last night I checked it out & the recording was just there.I have vue, thats what I was wondering if it was on Vue vod, or was this a live sneak peek.