MGS4 is terrible

Thanks bum, I appreciate the offer but you could probably get more on ebay than I'd want to pay - only because it sounds like a gamble as to whether we'd like the game.

Right now the family budget for video games is limited, so I don't want to gamble too much on something that me and the older kids aren't going to enjoy.

Also, it depends on what the "M" rating means for this particular game. If it's just occasional language like RS2 or GRAW2, then a couple of my older kids would be able to play it.

The language is pretty bad including some F bombs, also as you would expect there is killing and blood. Neither of these bother me, but depending on the age of the kids it might be a no go.
Off topic, a bit...I just got an XBOX, and I don't know which games are must haves (except for sports titles)...I hate RPGs, BTW...but I like violence (no...I'm not desensitized...if the gov't asks)... Help me out! THX!
MGS4 was one of the 1st games I rented, when I got my PS3 last year. Only played for a day and was bored. Part of it was the controller learning curve, since most of my gaming is on the 360. Kids tried it. They weren't impressed either. Rainbow Six 2 and Ghost Recon 2 on the 360 are great. Better than MSG4, IMO.
Yourbeliefs, I have a feeling you'll be disappointed w/ Killzone 2. Playable demo is *very short. I was excited about this one, until I played the demo. Now I think I'll pass.
Thanks Don. Sounds like we have similar tastes in games. I did play the MGS4 demo and didn't find the controls too bad but I'm used to the PS3. Actually I kind of enjoyed the demo but it was pretty short, so I didn't have a chance to get bored.

What would be your opinion about playing the first Rainbow Six after having completed the second? I'm always hesitant to go backwards on games because you always loose something but a lot of people have said RS2 is basically like an add-on to RS1.
Smoke -
Thanks for hijacking! Have you played COD4 online? If so how does that compare to the online experience of KZ2?
No, I haven't played it. I can't afford to get it or I would, even though I own KZ2. I'd love to, though. I'm sure it's good.

I don't put too much into game reviews but a lot of the reviews I read about KZ2 (especially the week-long review on X-Play) say that online play is what really saves KZ2. I happen to like the KZ2 campaign but the online play is in a whole 'nother solar system. I really don't know what else to say. My buddy "Jaybird" (who has it through GameFly) hated it when he first played it at my house but after getting the entire game and becoming more familiar with it, he's completely changed his mind. He said the level they used for the demo was the worst one. I haven't obviously needed to play the demo, so I can't say. My other friend, who's username is "Hawgghead", who I convinced to get KZ2 rather than Resistance2, is almost seriously addicted to it. He's already acheived the highest ranking of "General" and usually logs 4 or 5 hours a day, even though he works and has family obligations. Funny thing is, he hasn't even touched the campaign. He said he's afraid it will take away from all the glory that is KZ2 online. I think it's crazy to buy a $60.00 game and not even try the campaign...? The one best phrase to describe the online play (IMHO) is: HEART-POUNDING-INTENSE FROM START TO, the game is unbelieveably gorgeous to look at. I don't see how any fan of FPS couldn't like this game, even beyond the somewhat lacking controls. :up
The language is pretty bad including some F bombs, also as you would expect there is killing and blood. Neither of these bother me, but depending on the age of the kids it might be a no go.

Thanks for the warning. I don't remember the demo having much at all. Anyway, they're older teens and pretty level headed. Actually (and please guys absolutely no offense intended to anyone:)), what really bothers them (and me) a whole lot more than graphic blood and crude language (including the "F" word), whether in a game or a movie, is inappropriate sexual content and a lot of taking the Lord's name in vain type language. That and as long as the theme isn't glorifying the bad and evil over good.
Thanks for the warning. I don't remember the demo having much at all. Anyway, they're older teens and pretty level headed. Actually (and please guys absolutely no offense intended to anyone:)), what really bothers them (and me) a whole lot more than graphic blood and crude language (including the "F" word), whether in a game or a movie, is inappropriate sexual content and a lot of taking the Lord's name in vain type language. That and as long as the theme isn't glorifying the bad and evil over good.
I agree. This is MY major gripe about KZ2. There is a ton of meaningless, unnecessary foul language. It doesn't offend me...minus "G.D."...but it's so overused, it almost seems like it was put there just for them to say, "See, we cuss in our games.." They leave no stone unturned when it comes to cussing on KZ2. :rolleyes: That's why I can't play it until after 9:00pm...6 year olds and/or 3 year olds...human tape recorders.
Off topic, a bit...I just got an XBOX, and I don't know which games are must haves (except for sports titles)...I hate RPGs, BTW...but I like violence (no...I'm not desensitized...if the gov't asks)... Help me out! THX!
Here's some to start with:

Gears of War (1 or 2, but really they're so good that it's good to get both)
Halo 3
Call of Duty 4 or World at War (both basically use the same engine but have different weapons)
Grand Theft Auto 4
Ninja Gaiden 2 (really good for violence factor)
Street Fighter IV
Thanks Don. Sounds like we have similar tastes in games. I did play the MGS4 demo and didn't find the controls too bad but I'm used to the PS3. Actually I kind of enjoyed the demo but it was pretty short, so I didn't have a chance to get bored.

What would be your opinion about playing the first Rainbow Six after having completed the second? I'm always hesitant to go backwards on games because you always loose something but a lot of people have said RS2 is basically like an add-on to RS1.
Go for it. I played both. You heard correct. They're basically the same. RB2 may have a bit better graphics and they added a sprint mode.
MGS4 isnt for everybody. If you have played the other games in the series then you cant look away from MGS4. Its a conclusion to the story. There are a LOT of lose ends to tie up. The story fits well into the combat. The game is flawless. Maybe too many cutscenes (in real time) for some but no other flaws.
Maybe too many cutscenes? Wow, not sure how anyone could be happy with the number that are there (and the length). No other flaws? What about the terrible aiming/shooting? What about, aw, nevermind. We'll just agree to disagree. :)
It has the biggest flaw a game can have, it doesn't make a ton of sense to someone who hasn't played every game prior. The cutscenes reinforce that fact, so their frequency and length exacerbate that problem.
MGS4 is the best episode to the series. Every mgs version had cutscenes and the controls got better and better. Sometimes we attack a game with little patience and miss a well done game. I have that fault myself, but sometimes I open up my mind and find out a game I first thought was garbage. Was one of the funnest game I ever experience. So if you follow the series, than mgs4 is must have.
It has the biggest flaw a game can have, it doesn't make a ton of sense to someone who hasn't played every game prior. The cutscenes reinforce that fact, so their frequency and length exacerbate that problem.
No I'd say the biggest flaw a game can have is unresponsive controls. To be fair, I don't think many people playing this hadn't played some of the games prior. Also, there's enough resources on the internet, as well as the MGS database on PSN (which is a free download) to fill in players who were a little lost about the plot. Besides, if they had to go back and do a "Previously on MGS" video, that would have added about another hour of cutscenes to the game.
Personally, I think that it is all about preference. I hated GRAW 1 & 2, but love COD:MW and Halo. I think Killzone 2 is a horrible 1st person shooter, but love MGS4. Sure the story is long and boring at sometimes, but you get such an adrenaline rush sneaking around that you completely forget about what Meryl or Otacon just told you. I made the PS3 plunge last weekend and I was told to pick MGS4 up, and I am so glad that I did. Haven't played MGSO yet, but i'm sure I will love it. So if cutscenes aren't your thing, then this game is not for you. But if you love a deep backstory with meaning, this is perfect and fits in the tradition of other great Metal Gear games.
walt - I can make you a good deal on MSG4 ;)

I've never played either of the games you mentioned, sorry.
Ok bum, how much ya gotta get for it? bandito.gif
Maybe you should put it up for bid. Anyway, I'll give it a try if you don't want too much.:)
Well Lakebum gave me a good deal (thanks Brian) and so far I've played to a little past the meeting up with Dreben.

The initial install and slightly interactive credits lead-in is fairly long but I didn't find it hard to sit through at all.....Well except for the fact I quit smoking a few years ago and watching him go through 8 cigarettes during the install was a bit disturbing:). Even the other two fairly long cut-scenes (where he gets the eye, etc and then meeting Dreben) were quite absorbing.

All in all, so far I really like the game. I will admit the shooting is a bit awkward (for me anyway) but the solid normal setting is so forgiving (probably too much so), I have plenty of time to recover and kill the enemy.

Anyway, to put it in context, I really like MGS4 so far but then I got a good deal on it and am not too far into it. I also really liked Unchartered, RSV2 & GRAW2 but am not crazy about Tombraider Underworld (haven't finished) or Heavenly Sword (only played demo).
Glad you like it Walt!
So far, so good. Only glitch was my own fault as I didn't realize you had to manual save. I just assumed the last check-point was always auto saved, so had to basically repeat about 4 hours of progress.:mad:
Did you get the check ok?
Arrgh, that stinks. It really makes no sense that it doesn't save for you (similar to Fallout 3's - great saving method). I did get the check, sorry forgot to tell you.
Arrgh, that stinks. It really makes no sense that it doesn't save for you (similar to Fallout 3's - great saving method). I did get the check, sorry forgot to tell you.
NP, I figured you must have gotten it but just wanted to make sure.

I think it only auto saves last checkpoint while playing so you can "continue" if you die but if you quit you need to manually do a save to be able to load to that last checkpoint. It does allow multiple save slots and now I just make a habit of doing a new save at each cp.

As for the game, I just barely started Act 2 (South America) but I'm loving it so far. The attention to detail is amazing. I think this game is more for those that like good RPG type action games. It's definitely not a typical, fast moving, rack-up-the kills shooter (which I like too) but more like an epic you can immerse yourself into. As for the long cut scenes, I've found them all enjoyable to watch at least once but am glad they have a skip option.

There's so much to this game with places to explore and things to find that aren't critical for advancing that I constantly get the feeling I'm missing something. To me though that probably indicates good re-play value and will keep it interesting when trying to get through on a tougher setting.

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