Not all. Just the locals from the So. Florida spot beams, and Dish Network's NY locals on TP20. You can still get NY and SF on TP15.
You've got to be careful on blanket quotes. I'm in the south end of the Hotel Zone with a 1.1 meter old DirectTV dish with 2 LNBs for 119 and 110. We have zero problems with the New York locals on the CONUS beam and in fact, during the satellite shuffle in June, the locals were a constant. We never lost them. We are experiencing some problems with LOS on TPs 9 and 13 on 119 for a few hours a day, and not every day. Go figure. 110 is solid. I've noticed earlier rain fade, probably due to the FEC changes. I'll be going to a 1.8 meter dish later in the year but meanwhile have perfectly serviceable service.