Metallica Fans: New album pre-order up at Amazon

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The avatar says it all. None ofthe bands mentioned in this thread could carry the jock straps of the Grateful Dead. This thread should be gone...
geesh, has there been a thread outside the pit with this many delete posts for language?
The avatar says it all. None ofthe bands mentioned in this thread could carry the jock straps of the Grateful Dead. This thread should be gone...
Yeah, as if any member of the Grateful Dead could even remember where they left their jock strap.
Now this might show my age, but I try to listen to Hard Attack on Sirius, but some of those bands I just don't like, It seems to me they are trying to sound like Slayer but vocalist is trying to sound like Satan.:confused:
I tend to listen to Buzzsaw mostly, then switch when a song comes on I don't like, now I know how my father felt when he was listening to my music.:)

I'm with you on the Hard Attack thing. I'm only 31 and I can't stand 98% of metal out today. Everyone tries too hard. They're either Cookie Monster singers that look like Cinderella(the character) with some ridiculous sounding all-technical guitar breaks, drum beats that are SO fast it sounds ridiculous or some totally-gnarly-dude singer with short black hair that came from upscale Boston that tries to be all hardcore/evil metal by just absolutely SCREAMING the WHOLE song, all-the-while wearing a button-up shirt with a loosened tie. God, music today really DOES suck...
I really hate to resurrect my own thread...

But I received Death Magnetic today and all I will say is I am very happy with this. It's everything they tried to do with St. Anger except they actually finished and polished this is. Honestly I personally feel like this came from something in the MOP, AJFA era. Almost like it should of came between them or after AJFA. Unfortunately, it came so late that time has caught up with the group and I can only imagine what this MIGHT have sounded like if the guys were younger.

The only thing that's missing is more of the signature growl from hetfield, time has taken it's toll on the his vocals. Honestly, no it's not their new best album, it's hard to top the first 3, but I would say it's well worthy of comparison to them and AJFA, but it's not up to snuff to be truly compared to them, but I think if it had actually been produced at that time instead of decades later, it would be a teriffic album.
I look forward to a follow up if they don't do their dang 18 month tour crap before studio time agian. It would be nice to continue to capture the buzz I am sure this album will generate from some long time fans... But of course there are always those who find it "the thing to do" to bash anything and I really think you hear alot of the newer fans voice dislike of this album. I will say that since Metallica is pretty much schismed at TBA, then this is the best album since AJFA.

For those who wonder why I might say this should come after AJFA... This album is lacking the bass like AJFA did. It's like bass guitar is not just an after-thought, but kind of like, "well, ok, you can play a bit here and there, don't make too much noise though" is what was said to Trujillo. :) Either that or they really turned it down to a distant rumble in the studio. Also, it seems that some songs were long just to be long. I don't know if they just felt like they needed some more songs for tours to jam on or what, but sometimes it's

Favorite song: All Nightmare long
Worst: Unforgiven 3 (WTF guys, end this now, stop with the unforgiven songs)
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All Nightmare Long was good. I think Metallica screwed up in the radio community by releasing The Day That Never Comes first. That particular song sounded like emo went hardcore. Then, near the end they woke up and said, "hey, we're supposed to play power chords and straight eights." Too many of the songs were choppy and it sounded like they were just doing a segue into another song altogether with the frequent changing of riffs and tempos. My Apocalypse sounded good but the drums were awful. Lars sounded like a chimpanzee beating on a garbage can lid the whole time. I agree with your assessment of the bass portion of the music. For a man that James says has done more for Metallica than Newsted, Trujillo sure doesn't get a real opportunity to express himself at all. Is that James' iron fist at work or still a bit of unsure footing on Trujillo's part?

I don't like the way that James trashes on Newsted since they've parted ways. I guess he just feels the proper exit strategy for all of their bassists is for them to be thrown under the bus.
I forgot about the drums in My Apocolypse... I tend to agree that Lars did kind of ruin that song, but I still enjoy it overall.

Yeah, I'm not sure what is up with James vs Jason, but it is irritating. VERY irritating... Newsted was a fun, charismatic member and maybe james didn't like him upstaging him during some shows. I know it was always a personal favorite of mine when newsted took the mic during songs and even sung a couple completely. Jason played to the fans during shows quite a bit too.

I know others will not enjoy this ablum like I do so far, even with it's short comings, I think I will continue to enjoy this one, but like I said originally months ago, I've found stuff to like in each album. Some more than others, but some of the deep cuts on Load/Re-load are quite good for my taste, but not the hardcore stuff people wanted. I don't know a single band that consistently puts out a play start-to-finish album every time and that's what I think people keep expecting... Another MOP from Metallica and that's just not going to happen.
Overall, I really enjoyed Death Magnetic...especially, This was just your life, The Day that never comes (my wife's favorite), All Nightmare Long, Suicide and Redemption, and even The Unforgiven III (please, retire the name already!). I found the album to be everything St. Anger "should have been, but wasn't" (a great song name for their next album). There were a lot of good songs on this album, but no great ones. Metallica scores a solid B (B+ considering the St. Anger dud) in this release. My beefs with this album are:

- The songs were too long and changed tempo too often. Good songs make you want to listen again, and again. But only greats songs make you wish they would never end. These were good end them them at 4 or 5 minutes already. Personally, I feel this brought about too many tempo changes for my liking. Don't get me wrong...I am a fan of changing the tempo for mood and effect, but too many changes sound muddled and disorganized. Perhaps I'm wrong, but I don't see the band playing many of these tunes in concert since they are very difficult to memorize.

- Tempo changes mentioned by others, there were just a few too many "because I can" tempo changes and misaligned mayhem throughout the album. Sure, there was some great stuff (I've been listening to it daily), but I just wanted to smack someone because the band changed tempo just when I was getting drawn into the musical movement. My wife is an excellent writer, but I am a 10-times better editor...I find all the mistakes that lead to flow and continuity problems. It's too bad the band didn't hire me to review their work prior to would have been a solid A effort.:rolleyes:

- What the heck happened to the bass? I would have loved to have heard just one-half of the bass effort they put into S&M...:(
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