Metallica Fans: New album pre-order up at Amazon

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All 3 of those bands put togerther don't have as much talent as James Hetfield has in his little finger. sh!tty songwriters and sh!tty music. But yeah, that's my opinion.

Umm I would love to see either of Metallica's guitarists play like Marty Friedman.

Granted he's not in Megadeth anymore.. but he was during the band's best years and he's light years ahead of Hetfield, Hammond.. or to be fair his Megadeth band mate Mustaine. (although I think Mustaine is better than the other two himself.. though it's nothing more than a matter of opinion)

Listen to his solo stuff or better yet his work with Jason Becker in Cacophony.

People can like who they like nothing wrong with that... I would take Megadeth Slayer or even Anthrax over Metallica....... you would take Metallica.

Nothing wrong with that.. but it's silly to choose talent for the reason you would take Metallica, when Friedman is leaps and bounds the most talented guitarist of either band.

Friedman is quite simply one of the best guitarists in the entire world.
Yep. I like Metal. Not grunge, not nu metal, not modern rock. And Metallica hasn't done a metal record since AJFA. Slayer,well, is Slayer. They don't try to be anyone else. Metallica has tried to be everything under the sun in the name of 'evolving'. Guess what fellas, we old time fans didn't buy your music because it SUCKED. Not because we were downloading it. Do what you do best and we'll buy it. Put another grunge album out and we won't. :)

100% true. I will buy a good album, but they have to bring me back to them.

The last good album from them was Justice for All... I am surprised they haven't been touring with Ryan Seacrest and his crew.

Sure it was. Yours was too. So was mine. We just don't agree that Metallica is or was the best metal band ever. A lot of us think the same. We like what we like. And we don't like new(er) Metallica.

I can think of at least three bands that I THINK ( see, an opinion) are better than Metallica since 1988.

1) Megadeth - Dave Mustaine is a nutter sometimes, but the dude can still shred when he wants to.
2) Iron Maiden - Other than when Bruce left in the 90's, their releases have been steady on.
3) Slayer - Will shred no matter what. Ya put on a Slayer CD you know what to expect.

One of the best concerts I ever saw was Slayer, Anthrax and Megadeth on the same bill. IMO Megadeth was a little lackluster with their performance, they shouldn't of closed, Slayer should of been the closing act.

But to be fair I was never a big fan of Megadeth except for Peace sells and So Far, So Good...So What!
It's unbelievable how ignorant some people all started with Lars......what a load of crap! Plenty of other bands were going to back Metallica, but they backed out, and Metallica was left holding the bag. Good for them for killing Napster! It's stealing, that's all it is. They didn't "sell out" with the last 3 albums......they simply showed how versatile they are, and talented. Not like Slayer, for example, that keeps making the same album over and over. No metal band will ever top Metallica......NO ONE! No one even comes close.

:music :music :music
Metallica crushes all 3 of those bands.

I have seen Metallica three times(Once with GNR), and Metallica was great in the concerts I saw. I enjoyed every show I saw, but that was when they played good music.

They(Metallica) use to be my favorite band, but I started listening to them when Ride the Lightning came out, and followed them till the Black album.
George Lynch would rip him a new ass, and Megadeth sucked.

There's a small handful of guitarists in the world that can 'rip Friedman a new ass'

are there better guitarists? Of course... but he can hold his own with most anyone.

Clearly you have not heard his solo stuff or his stuff in Cacophony... Megadeth wasn't his best work... not even close actually. Love the band... but he wasn't able to show off as a guitarist like he's capable of doing.

Look up Cacophony and then Marty Friedman on youtube... pretty simple to do and see for yourself.

Notice in the above message I didn't say 'the best in the world' I said one of the best in the world... and that he is.
I think its funny that you call all these other band members arrogant aholes but you forget that Jason Newsted quit Metallica because James Hetfield was "an iron-fisted ruler". So yeah.

I got into Metallica when the black album came out. I liked it and so I checked out their previous works and loved them. In fact, I liked their previous work so much I came to realize that TBA was an album that sought broad commercial appeal. It's also why I despise Bob Rock. I went from liking TBA to not liking it much at all.

Load, ReLoad, St. Anger, etc. all fell in to the same regard. Then again, I guess they can do no wrong in your eyes. They could release an album of nursery rhymes and you'd still love them. Metallica essentially became a lounge act and fast approached irrelevant status. This was the feeling of the general metal public. You can defend it all you want but even Hetfield and Co. realize this, that's why they are touting this as getting back to their roots. They realize that they've strayed from what the fans wanted. Either that, or this is another sellout attempt to retain a fan base.

The one thing I really despise is the whole Mustaine/Hetfield issue. They were both alpha personalities and that wasn't going to work in the same band. I like the way things went, because now we have two great bands. The lead guitar work in Megadeth has always been great, although they do tend to exploit chromatics a bit much, but what lead guitarist doesn't these days?

Finally, if anyone wants to satisfy the "Metallica is a sellout" argument, they've announce they're going to be doing an all-Metallica Guitar Hero game. 'nuff said.
I think its funny that you call all these other band members arrogant aholes but you forget that Jason Newsted quit Metallica because James Hetfield was "an iron-fisted ruler". So yeah.

I got into Metallica when the black album came out. I liked it and so I checked out their previous works and loved them. In fact, I liked their previous work so much I came to realize that TBA was an album that sought broad commercial appeal. It's also why I despise Bob Rock. I went from liking TBA to not liking it much at all.

Load, ReLoad, St. Anger, etc. all fell in to the same regard. Then again, I guess they can do no wrong in your eyes. They could release an album of nursery rhymes and you'd still love them. Metallica essentially became a lounge act and fast approached irrelevant status. This was the feeling of the general metal public. You can defend it all you want but even Hetfield and Co. realize this, that's why they are touting this as getting back to their roots. They realize that they've strayed from what the fans wanted. Either that, or this is another sellout attempt to retain a fan base.

The one thing I really despise is the whole Mustaine/Hetfield issue. They were both alpha personalities and that wasn't going to work in the same band. I like the way things went, because now we have two great bands. The lead guitar work in Megadeth has always been great, although they do tend to exploit chromatics a bit much, but what lead guitarist doesn't these days?

Finally, if anyone wants to satisfy the "Metallica is a sellout" argument, they've announce they're going to be doing an all-Metallica Guitar Hero game. 'nuff said.

Kind of like Aerosmith...started out great, then sold out with "Dude looks like a lady" and many others.
They're sellouts. ;)

And all of them together couldn't hold Joe Perry's guitar. Aerosmith has more respect in the music world than Metallica could ever dream of, IMO. Better? Maybe, maybe not, different kind of music, started in a different time, with different aims.

If you are of a certain age, you will remember that Aerosmith once ruled the rock music world. And they did the same thing Metallica has done. Chase the money instead of doing what they do best. ROCK.

Simple fact is, you are never going to get most of us to believe that Metallica didn't sell out from 1990-present, and you will never admit they did. Its okay. There's room for all of us. :up
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I know just about everything about Metallica before the Black Album. I haven't kept up with them after that because they became too commercial at that point. So don't claim I know nothing about them.

As far as Jason Newsted being a punk, whatever, whatever. Bottom line is he was chosen by Metallica to be Burton's replacement so you may think he's a punk, but he's a well-qualified punk. He even served as the replacement for Trujillo of all people during Ozzfest 2003. Ozzy liked him, and that's enough cred for me. He's been out of the scene since 2006 because a bass amp fell on him and screwed up his shoulder.

Isn't it ironic though that James kicked Mustaine out for being an alcoholic and then James ends up being the alcoholic?
Finally, if anyone wants to satisfy the "Metallica is a sellout" argument, they've announce they're going to be doing an all-Metallica Guitar Hero game. 'nuff said.
Even more telling is how there won't be an all-Megadeth Guitar Hero game for the dozen or so Megadeth fans.;)

Personally, I can't stand bubble-gum metal bands...and "high and strong" and "screaming vocals" are just B.S. terms for dudes that are void of testostone and sing like chicks!:(

In any case, I can't say that I was thrilled with St. Anger, but I am still looking forward to hearing what the band has to offer in September.
Personally, I can't stand bubble-gum metal bands...and "high and strong" and "screaming vocals" are just B.S. terms for dudes that are void of testostone and sing like chicks!:(

Heard that! Even one better; WHo actually listens to those bands who try to be all "eviiil" with their long Goldilocks hair flowing in front of a green screen with thunder and corpses all the while they're in a speed/technical metal (which sucks, too, by the way) band with a freakin' keyboard. That's so..I can't say it. I'd probably get banned. Let's just say it rhymes with "hay". Just watch ONE episode of Headbanger's Ball and that's pretty much all you see. Man, where's Riki Rachtman when you need him (I know he does radio, now.)? He wouldn't stand for that crap!
While I would have loved to see his replies, I certainly don't miss the profanity. Some people just can't get it under control I guess.

Some people obsess too much over their favorite band. Didn't Dimebag Darrell have a distraught fan like that?
Heard that! Even one better; WHo actually listens to those bands who try to be all "eviiil" with their long Goldilocks hair flowing in front of a green screen with thunder and corpses all the while they're in a speed/technical metal (which sucks, too, by the way) band with a freakin' keyboard. That's so..I can't say it. I'd probably get banned. Let's just say it rhymes with "hay". Just watch ONE episode of Headbanger's Ball and that's pretty much all you see. Man, where's Riki Rachtman when you need him (I know he does radio, now.)? He wouldn't stand for that crap!

Riki Rachtman was the biggest poser. God I hated him.
Riki Rachtman was the biggest poser. God I hated him. Riki a poser? He was hanging with the biggest names in Rock/Metal HISTORY probably before you were walking whether hosting Headbanger's Ball, or showing bands at the clubs he owned. He also, was the one who stood up against MTV about playing hair bands like Winger on The Ball. It's all good, though. He'd probably hate you, too. Riki a poser? He was hanging with the biggest names in Rock/Metal HISTORY probably before you were walking whether hosting Headbanger's Ball, or showing bands at the clubs he owned. He also, was the one who stood up against MTV about playing hair bands like Winger on The Ball. It's all good, though. He'd probably hate you, too.

Just because he was hanging out with the biggest names in rock/metal history means nothing. He hosted the Ball when they had guest like Poison and Winger. As for my Age Riki is 6 years older than me. He co-owened nightclub called the Cathouse Club with a member of Faster Pussycat (not exactly a Metal band). At the height of the Metal revolution I was going to shows and sometimes hanging out with bands that were true metal. Although I love Anthrax they sold out for awhile, Metallica definitely sold out. I was in bands in the late 80's early 90's and had friends that were being signed, but I could not every see myself making a living on the road.

Riki was always a joke. We would be a parties on Saturday nights and poke fun at him every time he came on. even the guests would poke fun at him, he was an easy mark. I remember the last few videos would be the best videos, they would play a Nuclear Assualt, Kreator, Testamentor even a Slayer video.

Looking back on the views I had of bands that "sold out", now I see myself then as young and stupid. These bands worked hard to make a name for themselves and to ultimately make money. As I grew up my musical tastes grew and I enjoy a large variety of music that I never thought I would have enjoyed when I was younger. The thing is you always need to be true to your self and not let pop culture influence the direction of your art. If you are making music just to appeal to the masses then you are a poser. If you dress a certain way because a focus group says that is the way you should dress you are a poser. Stay true to yourself and your art.
Just because he was hanging out with the biggest names in rock/metal history means nothing. He hosted the Ball when they had guest like Poison and Winger. As for my Age Riki is 6 years older than me. He co-owened nightclub called the Cathouse Club with a member of Faster Pussycat (not exactly a Metal band). At the height of the Metal revolution I was going to shows and sometimes hanging out with bands that were true metal. Although I love Anthrax they sold out for awhile, Metallica definitely sold out. I was in bands in the late 80's early 90's and had friends that were being signed, but I could not every see myself making a living on the road.

Riki was always a joke. We would be a parties on Saturday nights and poke fun at him every time he came on. even the guests would poke fun at him, he was an easy mark. I remember the last few videos would be the best videos, they would play a Nuclear Assualt, Kreator, Testamentor even a Slayer video.

Looking back on the views I had of bands that "sold out", now I see myself then as young and stupid. These bands worked hard to make a name for themselves and to ultimately make money. As I grew up my musical tastes grew and I enjoy a large variety of music that I never thought I would have enjoyed when I was younger. The thing is you always need to be true to your self and not let pop culture influence the direction of your art. If you are making music just to appeal to the masses then you are a poser. If you dress a certain way because a focus group says that is the way you should dress you are a poser. Stay true to yourself and your art.
So you fault Riki for playing Winger and Poison, not MTV execs.? How many radio DJs play a music format they can't stand? It's not their music of choice, but it's their job to play it. Riki was "host" not "boss". And I touched on the whole Winger-on-the-Ball thing above.. As far as co-owning a club; who cares if you're partner plays for Faster Pussycat on the side? I wouldn't care if the guy was Barry Manilow's lover. As long as that guy shows up with money when it's time to pay the bills and is helping to make good business decisions, that's all that matters. I still see ZERO evidence that he was a poser. He's alive and kickin' doing what he wants to be doing for a living and probably making pretty good money doing it. Doesn't sound too bad for a poser. It's more than I can say I did for myself or 90% of all other Americans who work everyday. Also: I like Slayer. I also like Motley Crue, ONE Country artist and Classical music. I hope that doesn't mean I can't wear my Pantera '90 -Cowboys From Hell shirt. Would it make me a poser? I guess with Riki we can agree to disagree. Either way IMO Jamey Jasta is the freakin' poser. Cookie Monster needs to learn a different scream. TIRED...
Rikik was better on Headbangers than Adam Curry. IMO they picked him to do the ball because he has long hair. I love all types of music, except for country, but metal is my roots. I started with Kiss then expanded to Sabbath, Priest, Maiden and so forth.

The first time I heard Metallica I was a changed man, I need music that was harder, faster and louder. I started to listen to Slayer, Testament, Exodus, Pantera and so on. While I do think Metallica sold out, I don't begrudge them. It's their life and careers, they can do what they think is best for them, and I don't have to listen to them either.

I'm pretty sure they don't care if people like them or not, they have enough fans who do like them where they can still make millions of dollars.

Now this might show my age, but I try to listen to Hard Attack on Sirius, but some of those bands I just don't like, It seems to me they are trying to sound like Slayer but vocalist is trying to sound like Satan.:confused:

I tend to listen to Buzzsaw mostly, then switch when a song comes on I don't like, now I know how my father felt when he was listening to my music.:)
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