Memo from VOOM Management to Emplyees

How much Publicity they are getting~!

I wonder if this is a publicity stunt to get publicity and free access to all the major media sources, La times, Wall Street Journal etc. Just think how many clueless hd potential subscribers will hear about voom for the first time, then go to and sign on. HMMMM.

Last time this scare happened a month ago and there was a media blitzkreig they gained almost 20,000 subscribers, something that took 18 months to get , they get in a quarter of shutdown publicity
randers29259 said:
Some guy from North Carolina, I got a complete set of Stormtropper armor from him

OFF TOPIC - You can find them on eBay.

ON TOPIC - All the news reports this morning are about VOOM shutting down. I've heard nothing about Charles trying to save it. This kind of reporting will kill VOOM because who would sign up hearing just that.
VOOM owns 21 HD channels that they produce themselves. Therefore, they must have how much HD production equipment? Get HD News-100 running the board meetings. THAT is something I would be interested in seeing. (I mean.. CourtTV survives, CSPAN, etc. I think this would be a blast... and would help solve a lot of the rumor mill issues)
Geno said:
OFF TOPIC - You can find them on eBay.

ON TOPIC - All the news reports this morning are about VOOM shutting down. I've heard nothing about Charles trying to save it. This kind of reporting will kill VOOM because who would sign up hearing just that.

The same happened in January and it extended for 21 days until the letter of intent was signed. That did not stop people from signing up and as far as I know they are still taking orders and doing installations.
Sean Mota said:
The same happened in January and it extended for 21 days until the letter of intent was signed. That did not stop people from signing up and as far as I know they are still taking orders and doing installations.

We are still doing insalls got new ones this morning.
I sent an e-mail to the person about what is going on and whats going to happen at Rainbow DBS INC. the Escalation Manager I have been talking to on the phone and in e-mails and here is the reply I have gotten .

Hi Mike,

I received that late yesterday and the second email as soon as I came in this am. I am told Business as usual and everyone is in today doing their job..I know Charles and Tom really want to make it work. You know just as much as I do at this point.
DarrellP said:
Anybody looked at their bill lately? I just got mine and it is really wierd, I am only billed for a partial month. My bill is normally ~$64.00 but now it is only $6.71. Have they readjusted their billing date or do they have a go dark date already in mind?

I got a call from voom that my account was overdue. Not surprising considering all the billing nightmares I've read about here. Right around january 29th, I upgraded to vavavoom. I was told at that time that my account was fully paid and up to date (I also called them around mid february for something else, and also confirmed I was up to date), and the billing would be pro-rated from the day I upgraded. So, last week I get a call that I'm suddenly 3 months overdue. I come to find out that they have screwed up my billing, and also charged me for the entire month of january for the vavavoom package I ordered on the 29th. According to them , I owe almost 200.00 for what has been about a months worth of programming. I guess they need every nickel they can scrape together and this is how they're going about it.
I'm getting a little annoyed with all of this stuff. They're doing business.. No wait, they are out of business.. No wait, they are being sold.. No wait, they are back in business, etc..

When I signed up for Voom, they said the DVR would be available in December. Then I was told January, then Februrary. Every time I call, I'm told a different date. I doubt if we'll ever see the DVR.

Voom has alot of HD channels, but I'd rather go with a service that has the products and delivers on it. Once my Voom contract is up, I'm back to DirecTV, which will have more HD channels soon anyway.
itsdavetime said:
I'm getting a little annoyed with all of this stuff. They're doing business.. No wait, they are out of business.. No wait, they are being sold.. No wait, they are back in business, etc..

When I signed up for Voom, they said the DVR would be available in December. Then I was told January, then Februrary. Every time I call, I'm told a different date. I doubt if we'll ever see the DVR.

Voom has alot of HD channels, but I'd rather go with a service that has the products and delivers on it. Once my Voom contract is up, I'm back to DirecTV, which will have more HD channels soon anyway.
Nice first post. :rolleyes: Bye bye.
DirecTV delivers on their promises????? You must be thinking of a different DirecTV than I am. At present, you have nothing but promises of more HDTV with them and their track record of delivering as promised is hardly stellar.
I had to call voom due to a couple of different issues but decided I would try and get my customer service reps opinion on everything.

Here goes:
Press release states that they need to look for a job somewhere in cablevision: The memo that was sent to them from james did not tell them that they needed to find employment else where.

New channels: All she knows is that voom is going to release new channels and the dvr but she can not give me any info beyond that. She also has no idea what new channels will be coming out

She's from the SA, texas center. She is very optimistic about voom, tells me that she likes her job and is trying to encourage everyone that everything will work out.

Great Service from a very nice lady.
WELL!!!!!!!! here it is 3:40 PM Tuesday afternoon.... I just logged onto VOOMS web site and this is the only thing on there.
Voom has ceased taking new customer orders and will shut
down by the end of March.

That is it we are DEAD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad: :mad:
I too have been through this several times. Once when Transworld Corp. bought our business, another when CBS bought our business and finally when the owner was trying to sell to private party. Since I liked my business I stayed on each time. Things changed but the business stayed. In one case I stayed with the business even though the writing was on the wall until my paycheck bounced. It's hard to tell someone to "hang in there" when there are other opportunities. Good luck to all those VOOM employees who also have the vision of Charles & Tom Dolan. (ps I'm retired now)
This whole situation is weird. I just called Voom to ask how customers are going to be affected and they told me everything is going fine and nothing is changing. I explained the website, and they said that the website was wrong. Doesn't make sense. The press releases say one thing, the websites say another, the customer service reps say another.

What's the real truth? Am I going to go home one day and not have satellite?

Also, didn't Echostar purchase their satellites? If that's the case, how is Voom going to broadcast if they have no satellite?
The website is run by Cablevision. I believe the orders to change it were made by James Dolan.

However Chuck and Tom Dolan was working hard to rescue the sinking ship.

For now VOOM lives, but it appears James will play these childish games to get his father to knock it off.

If I were Charles Dolan, I would divest myself of Cablevision so that his trader son is forced to work for Time Warner.

justalurker said:
Some of the shutdown costs will extend more into the next quarter. I wouldn't be suprised if they spread it out to the end of the year. Not all bills stop when you turn off the lights.


Well in business they can accrue the estimated expenses in advance. They want this off the books as fast as possible. So, if they think they will be liable for $335 million they will take a $335million write down charge this quarter and say look our profits would have been XXX but we took this write down. Then, sometime in the future they will do any final adjustments needed.

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