Media General Stations Removed from DISH, Agreement Reached

I was finally going through my sunday paper here in Raleigh and saw that Dish had bought a full page add trashing Media General for putting greed above their viewers and giving out the GM for WNCN's phone number and email address to voice our discontent. Definitely was a surprise when I saw it in the paper. I wish both sides would figure this out, but OTA is working great with the Hopper so far, so all I'm missing out on is Primetime Anytime and Autohop at the moment for the couple of shows I am manually recording now.
I said it before. If McDonald's gives me a big Mac for free and I decide to sell it, and someone buys it, I'm sorry, McDonald's doesn't deserve a cut of my profits. Just saying.
I'm guessing they might have a problem if you took that free Big Mac and put a sign on the corner advertising their product.

Can you buy a Big Mac for $4 and sell it for $5? Can you buy a million Big Mac's at $4 each and sell them for $5?

And let's look at the Super Bowl as an example. Yes, you can receive the broadcast and have a party at your house. All your friends and neighbors show up. BUT, you're not allowed to charge admission.
Ever notice when you buy a bag of fun sized candy they put on the wrapper that they're not for resale. They do no want you buying in bulk and selling them individually to make a profit.

We have a vending machine at our business that we own and we supply it with pop we buy from from the store. We charge 50 cents a can. There may be a little money made on it but that money just goes toward buying more pop to refill it.
And let's look at the Super Bowl as an example. Yes, you can receive the broadcast and have a party at your house. All your friends and neighbors show up. BUT, you're not allowed to charge admission

Says who?:D I'd have no problem charging $5-10 a head,for hosting a SuperBowl party.
I'm guessing they might have a problem if you took that free Big Mac and put a sign on the corner advertising their product.

Can you buy a Big Mac for $4 and sell it for $5? Can you buy a million Big Mac's at $4 each and sell them for $5?

And let's look at the Super Bowl as an example. Yes, you can receive the broadcast and have a party at your house. All your friends and neighbors show up. BUT, you're not allowed to charge admission.

Once it's chosen to be given for free, the giver loses rights to claim payment.
Says who?:D I'd have no problem charging $5-10 a head,for hosting a SuperBowl party.
The NFL (with the law to back them up).

Here's some reading for you:

First, as long as you do not charge your guests, viewing the Super Bowl in a private residence is legal, and in fact you are in the clear to request friends bring food and drink in exchange for hosting. Meaning yes, you can charge your buddies beer in order to watch at your house.
The NFL (with the law to back them up).

Here's some reading for you:


Don't spit on the sidewalk either.;) And heaven forbid,that one should record a game and share it with others.Does anyone actually pay attention to those this broadcast is not intended for messages?

I'm gonna start prepping some flyers for my 2014 SuperBowl bash.All you can eat and drink,$15 per person.Wonder if that will get Goodell's attention?I may have to rename it to I need a new roof,or something though.:D
Don't spit on the sidewalk either.;)

I'm gonna start prepping some flyers for my 2014 SuperBowl bash.All you can eat and drink,$15 per person.Wonder if that will get Goodell's attention?I may have to rename it to I need a new roof,or something though.:D
Hey, you asked. :D

And lets be honest, you have to be caught before they can punish you. :devil:
When you charge, it moves the gathering from a private viewing into the realm of a public performance, you really do not want them to come after you on something like this - you could be paying in six figures and up for this indiscretion and do not lightly consider the possibility that they might come after you.
Don't spit on the sidewalk either.;) And heaven forbid,that one should record a game and share it with others.Does anyone actually pay attention to those this broadcast is not intended for messages?

I'm gonna start prepping some flyers for my 2014 SuperBowl bash.All you can eat and drink,$15 per person.Wonder if that will get Goodell's attention?I may have to rename it to I need a new roof,or something though.:D

When you charge, it moves the gathering from a private viewing into the realm of a public performance, you really do not want them to come after you on something like this - you could be paying in six figures and up for this indiscretion and do not lightly consider the possibility that they might come after you.

He's charging for all you can eat and drink, not football..... ;)
When you charge, it moves the gathering from a private viewing into the realm of a public performance, you really do not want them to come after you on something like this - you could be paying in six figures and up for this indiscretion and do not lightly consider the possibility that they might come after you.

Hey if the Super Bowl happens to be on during my roof raising party,so be it!:D

Might have a stand up performance of local comedians during halftime.:D

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