Media General Stations Removed from DISH, Agreement Reached

They don't. No retrans agreement = no guide data (even for ota reception).

There are channel that are not even on DISH that have OTA guide data, so I don't think they need an agreement.

isn't the ideal solution for dish to have as many OTA viewers as possible, keeps costs down in many ways too, that way they disputes don't really matter as much... and if during a dispute they expect viewers to watch it OTA wouldn't they want to show the customer the guide so they can have the best experience possible?

I also think the guide data for certain National subchannels is the same across multipltle channels, so that might result in THIS TV or Bounce staying up on XX-2 while XX-1 is disputed.
Lucky, I can say that I am showing guide data for WNCN in dish anywhere as well with interspersed important information data. For the most part the guide data is there though for both the sat feed and the ota channel.

My guide shows WGN info instead of WNCN.
On the receiver I agree. On dish anywhere I have guide data for WNCN in places.

Here is my Dishanywhere guide, interesting, huh? Guide.PNG
Dish Chat offered $5 for three months. I then was sent to a higher level on Chat and was offered a free OTA module and a one time $20 bill credit. I took that as the module may actually help me get my CBS back if I can get a strong enough antenna.
That is strange. Can you check what the guide data says for 5-9 days ahead? I am wondering if certain epg databases the 5 vs 9 day have different content OR if some guide data is sent via internet?

Here is Monday 10/21 via dish anywhere and my ipad and the guide is there everywhere there is non-local content that I have checked so far.

If your box is ip connected, your da. Com guide should match your box because it's built off the Stb epg.

Then I don't know what to tell you. In my screen capture you can see the green dot that I'm connected to my Hopper with dish anywhere, and yet I see guide data on this ipad that is not in my hopper guide. Not that I'm complaining as it makes it easier to set manual timers, but there is a discrepancy.

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