Media For Sale (Movies, Games, etc..)

Something, Something, Something Dark Side - $8 shipped
Anyone have any discs they want to get rid of?
Looking for any 3D blu-ray's anyone wants to get rid of.

Sent from a galaxy far far away.
Avatar 3D up for grabs, looking for trades or offers.
edit: that was fast, found what I was looking for Lord of the Rings extended edition blurays!
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Id also be open to purchasing some blurays or 3d disks, if anyone has any to sell. PM me a list and well go from there, mostly interested in 3d, my current collection includes the darkest hour, finding nemo, ghost rider 2, hotel transylvania, lorax, hobbit, mib3, puss in boots, transformers3. So anything not there in 3d id be open to, hit me up.

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