Maybe my first BUD - Questions

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2 RG11 lines run through conduit, 12/2 AWG run for voltage and a cat6 run for sensor. I also ran an RG6 incase I ever need to power the multiswitch from inside.. not sure how will that would work over a 250+ ft run but hopefully I can just use it for an OTA antenna. Should be tweaking next week!

Anole - You said I need 4 runs from my ortho to my multiswitch, I only see one F connector coming off each of the feeds. I'm sure this is a dumb question but where do I plug into my SWA-48 from the orthos?
4 coax

Thought you had a dual band ortho. C + Ku. Two coax for each.

edit: yea, wrong thread. Yours is C band only. The better configuration.

If not, then that small Ku dish up on the roof could be outfitted with a dual output LNBF.

How many receivers will you run at work?
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Just one PC Tuner @ the office. I can multicast the transport stream if anyone else wants to see. So I should have a spare RG11 and a spare RG6 up there, I'll hook the KU up but how do you motorize a 1M Channel Master dish? Same STAB type that is on my 30" at home? No need to answer that, I haven't done my research there but I'm sure it's been covered.
Well she's alive, sort of. :D

Finally got around to hooking it all up last night before I left the office. Checked the modified multiswitch, 18V coming out of all the ports. Got all my wires to the MDF and a PC loaded up. My VBox doesn't arrive until tomorrow but I decided to do a blind scan anyway, I wasn't expecting anything since I had moved it back and forth with a drill battery to see if the mover still worked. To my surprise I pulled in some channels! With the help of lyngsat it didn't take me long to figure out I was on AMC10 135W. My first viewing was of some good looking chick working an ab roller of some sort on HSN, I did have the H&V scanning in backwards so today I went up to the roof, swapped the LNB inputs on the multiswitch and cleaned up the mess of wiring. Thanks for the help everyone, I'm sure I'll have more questions once my mover gets here tomorrow. One thing I'm not sure of is how far I should be able to move the actuator? if I go to far will my dish flop off or will the mechanical limits stop me? Should I set limits on the vbox if I have mechanical limits in the actuator? Anyway here are some pics!

Nice setup! I like my Winegard Pinnacle also. Curious about the feed setup on yours. The Pinnacle is a very deep dish F/D .278 . In order to illuminate the whole dish the feed would stick past the scalar more than an inch. Pendragon went through some extremes to modify his Bullseye II feedhorn to accomplish this. I noticed yours is not this way and was wondering if you tried to tune that setting and that's where it was best or??
I've done no tuning, my vbox gets here tomorrow. Do you have a particular feed you have issues with that I could try to hit tomorrow? This dish was previously setup (not by me) and I didn't move it, I just ran new cables to it.
I go to far will my dish flop off or will the mechanical limits stop me? They'll stop you IF they've been set correctly.

Should I set limits on the vbox if I have mechanical limits in the actuator? It's usually necessary to do so before programming in positions. Think my Gbox demanded limits first.
BITD, i know a few didn't set the actuator limit sw, and when they had a failure in the mover, the actuator over extended, bent the dish, and destroyed the actuator.
Take the back cover off the actuator. Then extend the actuator until you're 'not comfortable' any more. Retract it until you comfortable again and set the limit switch. Replace back cover and resume programming the mover. Can save you from BIG headaches later.?(?????)?
Hey guys, little update.. Got my Vbox and been setting things up and watching TV. I'm covering from 72-139 just fine, the 4:2:2 CBS feeds all good. I did try to find Simon Bolivar but no luck, according to sat beams I'm in the C footprint and my 10 footer should be enough to get something... unless I'm reading satbeams wrong. I'm in northern Ohio if anyone has any input on that let me know!

Main question! Last night we had some really bad storms and wind, once it started I parked the dish at 139 for the night. This AM I fire it up and no signal or low signal on everything. I moved it maybe 5-10 steps to the west using Diseqc, got signal back and did a recalculate and everything was right back on. I haven't been on the roof yet, what would you look at first? I highly doubt the mount would spin on the pole, but I guess anything is possible.

Also what are you guys looking at up here? I've mainly just been sat searching haven't stopped to checkout anything much more then the network feeds, NASA and I like the Outside Channel. Which TP's on what sats are normally the hardest to tune for everyone?

Magic Static - If you're still here, I checked out your install thread and you really did a killer job bringing your dish and H2H back to life. When I plant one at home I'm going to shoot for your quality! Also I noticed your winegard doesn't have the button hook, It is possible to find the legs or does everyone custom fab something?

...Main question! Last night we had some really bad storms and wind, once it started I parked the dish at 139 for the night. This AM I fire it up and no signal or low signal on everything. I moved it maybe 5-10 steps to the west using Diseqc, got signal back and did a recalculate and everything was right back on. I haven't been on the roof yet, what would you look at first? I highly doubt the mount would spin on the pole, but I guess anything is possible...

That sure sounds like your mount spun on the pole a little bit. Did you have it marked to where you can easily tell if it moved?

I usually take a hammer and punch and put a little dimple in the pole and mount once it get them tracking well, makes it easy to tell if they have moved and also gives a good starting spot if I put a different setup on an existing pole.
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Going C-Band ... Have a question!

choppy DCII audio

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