May make the switch from cable...some questions


SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Nov 30, 2006
I had DISH network in 2002-2003 for a while. Liked it but cancelled it due to money issues. I now have Time Warner digital cable, with RoadRunner high-speed internet.

I don't care for Time Warner and want my DISH back. However, I refuse to go with dial-up and DSL is not available in my area, because I am too far from the "center" or what-cha-call it (23,000 feet away.)

So I either keep RoadRunner and go to DISH, which is only a net savings of a few bucks, or find an alternative, but that's another subject.

While I'm on it, are there wireless internet providers out there not geared towards the laptop/cafe/airport model? Like a home wireless internet?

Secondly, to the subject at hand, some DISH questions:

-I have no landline phone. If I have to get one, it negates any money I save from cable. Is that still an issue where they charge an extra $5.99 or whatever if you don't have one?

-Will DISH lease me a 622 reciever if I don't yet have an HD TV and will not start with a high-def package? Reason being twofold-first, there are a couple digital OTA subchannels in my area I watch (The Tube and a couple of the local PBS subchannels, plus a station out of market/DMA I can get) and want to be able to recieve them (right now I watch them on my PC's HD tuner card with an OTA antenna.) Second, I will probably buy an HDTV sometime next spring and then would just make the phone call and upgrade to high-def service.
I'm in a similar situation... Switching back from TWC to Dish network. I plan to keep the RoadRunner service, though.

While I'm on it, are there wireless internet providers out there not geared towards the laptop/cafe/airport model? Like a home wireless internet?

Depends where you live. I used to live in Northern Colorado... very flat and very few trees, so there were several local ISPs that would provide wireless broadband service. I used one of these and had great speed (6Mb/1Mb).

In Raleigh, there are trees everywhere and tons of hills so it is pretty much impossible to get line-of-sight to anything. It wouldn't make sense to offer wireless broadband here.


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Confuzzled: Have Dish now, what am I looking at to get HD again?

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