calikarim said:
50 million people are switching to HD sets in the next four years, many will come to Voom, many won't, life goes on. Voom is great i love it no matter how some people constantly berate it and cry about its demise. They are trying something that no one has , a HDTV revolution for which i applaud them and support them
I agree!!!
Seawaves said:
Yet DirecTV, can double that in Q4 and Voom can't/won't hit 180,00 in the next two years.
They can not survive with 180k subs!
I know there are numerous variables and undisclosed financial data, but based on VooM's announced plans along with CableVisions Form 10 filing, it seem to me that VooM will need to have approximately 1.2 million active subscribers by the end of 2006 in order to break even. New subscriber acquisition costs and churn (21%) are killing them. Assuming they currently have 40k subs, they would need to acquire 40k new subs each month for the next 29 months. It's no wonder the Wall Street pundits are not optimistic about VooM's future.
All I can say is I really like VooM and I hope they can get their financial, technical and logistical problems (Installs Inc. - oh, the churn!) in order to survive. However, the numbers don't look promising. Although they offer a wonderful product IMO and the VooM concept is top-notch, their biggest problems have been with Installs Inc. (nightmare) and poor marketing of the product - just look at the Sears debacle and the "try it for free" offer. The try it for free offer was a good idea, but what knucklehead would make this offer when they: a) are still missing some badly needed SD Cable Favorites (not that I want them). b) haven't worked out a number of technical difficulties (rain fade, OTA, etc.). c) placed their trust & faith in Installs Inc. who, up to that time, had a track record of horrible installs and OTA malpractice!
What they need is a realistic and affordable "Offer" to attract new subs and reduce churn. If they do, then perhaps they can survive with 800k subs going into 2007.
-Free rental equipment (up to 5 room and up to 1 DVR/Home Networking per customer)
-Free "professional installation" by VooM certified installers
-$5 mirror fee
-$5 DVR free
-1 year service agreement (gotta have subs - can't survive with 21% churn)
-Guaranteed pricing for 1 year
-Va Va VooM $59 for first 4 months or
-Voom w/free Plus Pack for first 4 months
Anyway, this is my opinion...
P.S. No mass exodus from this household. Adelphia, D* and E* all had their turn at the plate and all three failed to deliver!!!