Mark Cuban says NO to VOOM again

I had Cuban's channels with my D HD package. In my opinion they aren't that great. Kept showing the same stuff over and over again. And D would butcher the bandwidth and make the shows look like a slideshow. So if Cuban's ego is too big for him to let Voom have his channels, that's fine by me.
For the life of me, I can't see any Voomer accusing another sat provider with showing the same thing over and over. Voom has given new meaning to the term "showing this month". :shocked
DobyMax said:
For the life of me, I can't see any Voomer accusing another sat provider with showing the same thing over and over. Voom has given new meaning to the term "showing this month". :shocked
Dvlos said:
If Voom raised bandwidth to 17mbps I think you'd drop HDNet like a bad habit, even lie to people and tell them you've never heard of the thing. Recent news seems to keep confirming, it would be easier for Voom to add INHD (probably after the elliptical dish) than HDNet, and in all honesty I'd rather have INHD's content for the baseballs and other special interest events.
No I wouldn't. There are many shows I enjoy watching on HDNET. I watch the Dish HD Pack all the time and rarely tune in Voom, there just isn't much content there for me (Voom Basic Pack). I'm seriously considering dropping Voom since I hardly ever watch it.
DarrellP said:
No I wouldn't. There are many shows I enjoy watching on HDNET. I watch the Dish HD Pack all the time and rarely tune in Voom, there just isn't much content there for me (Voom Basic Pack). I'm seriously considering dropping Voom since I hardly ever watch it.

That's wierd this month I have seen three movies on Conema10 (Heaven and Earth, Mad Mac, and some other movie that Deniro is a stroke victim), like 5 movies on MonstersHD, 3 concerts on Rave, Equator, and Rush. Aside from that I spend all my time watching HD on the other channels (VaVaVoom). All good stuff I have no patience for crappy movies/shows.
I make tons of DVD's from MonstersHD and Rave, but I rarely watch them live, there just isn't enough time in the day. Perhaps when the PVR comes out, things will change, but for now, HDNET fits my schedule much better.

It was funny, last night I had Bikini Destinations on and a crew came by to demo a Kirby vacuum cleaner. The guys sat on the couch for 1/2 hour watching BD and when it was over, NASCAR came on and they didn't want to do their demo! Too funny, they were glued to the screen. The first time the bass shaker kicked in, this guy looks up, startled and looks around..."What was that?". My roommate and I just cracked up laughing.
Voom needs to hire people to do Door to Door HD sales. Some truck with a nice HD screen and a SD analog TV next to it so you can point and gag.
Screw Cuban. Personally I think D* or E* is paying him not to have HDNet on V*...cuz V* is HD from the ground up, where the other's arent...If he is such a big proponent of HD, then it would be in his best interest to have his content on V*...
I think it is because they are both NBA owners,and I have read in the past how the NBA dislike Mr.Cuban.
this sucker is dead dead dead. Maybe we should have a sticky that says "Voom will not have hdnet. Period. End of story. Don't hold your breath waiting. Don't waste your breath asking if/when. It's over. Move on".
dlayphoto said:
Screw Cuban. Personally I think D* or E* is paying him not to have HDNet on V*...cuz V* is HD from the ground up, where the other's arent...If he is such a big proponent of HD, then it would be in his best interest to have his content on V*...
I have personnally corresponded with Mr. Cuban and I can tell you that he does not take lightly the fact that any provider messes up the PQ of his channels. I believe that he is waiting for Voom to get their PQ up to par so his channels will look like they should. As Voom is currently, they are not up to par, hopefully with WM9, Voom can get the PQ up to where HDNET can present itself in all of it's 1080i 19 mbps glory.
DarrellP said:
I have personnally corresponded with Mr. Cuban and I can tell you that he does not take lightly the fact that any provider messes up the PQ of his channels. I believe that he is waiting for Voom to get their PQ up to par so his channels will look like they should. As Voom is currently, they are not up to par, hopefully with WM9, Voom can get the PQ up to where HDNET can present itself in all of it's 1080i 19 mbps glory.

What B.S.
My cable company has HDNet ans the PQ is crap.
Cuban did not check out Buckeye cable in Toledo before he cut a profitable deal.

Did you get his autograph?
The Cuban vs Dolan conflict is about $$$, not PQ. If CVC gave the contract to Cuban tomorrow, we will have HDnet on VOOM the next day. It is all about $$$$.
Sean Mota said:
The Cuban vs Dolan conflict is about $$$, not PQ. If CVC gave the contract to Cuban tomorrow, we will have HDnet on VOOM the next day. It is all about $$$$.
I agree. Money Talks!!! And that's why I keep saying that we should keep asking Voom for HDNet and inHD (see my signature)
Kentstater72 said:
What B.S.
My cable company has HDNet ans the PQ is crap.
Cuban did not check out Buckeye cable in Toledo before he cut a profitable deal.

Did you get his autograph?
Here's his email address, he would be more than happy to address a crappy PQ issue: :yes

Should Voom Carry O&O HD Networks?
