Mark Cuban mentions VOOM in CNET article

All he said was if he was Voom he would get into the HDTV on a PC market.
If I were Mark Cuban I would take off the pink cape, and put down the Tiara that read "HDTV Inventor" and strike a deal with Voom already.
I have my own hunch about why Cuban isnt on Voom and it doesnt have anything to do with the bad relationship rumors that fly around here.
Dvlos said:
Can't be PQ... unless he demands HD-Lite from all providers.
The success of HDnet is directly attributable to its largest satellite carrier. Without major distribution, Cuban would have failed. Any guesses on who that may be? And since HDnet is IMO the crown jewel of any HD pak, I would think that that major provider would do whatever it could to keep it off of Voom. IMO it is the single most important HD programming attraction of all and Voom does not have it. It is so important that Dolan has created exclusive channels to try and hide its exclusion.
The reason I have heard is that Mark wanted his hand in programming a few of the exclusive stations (and then later on have the option to offering them to others)

I have talked to Mark a couple of times and VOOM seems to be a taboo subject, I have also talked to his brother as well, and his opinion is we will see HDNet on VOOM somewhere down the road. Of course how far down the road is the big question.
Scott Greczkowski said:
The reason I have heard is that Mark wanted his hand in programming a few of the exclusive stations (and then later on have the option to offering them to others).
They should have let him. Talk about a blunder. He would have trashed Moov before it got rolling.

Scott Greczkowski said:
I have talked to Mark a couple of times and VOOM seems to be a taboo subject, I have also talked to his brother as well, and his opinion is we will see HDNet on VOOM somewhere down the road. Of course how far down the road is the big question.
That road may end soon.

When is BBC Coming to VOOM?

Voom vs. TWC
