He's just playing games so he can write it all off as a loss. It's to his benefit for it to fail now.. It can not possibly succeed, it bleeds cash so it has no where to go but down, down, down..
He's going to capitalize on this..
I agree, you see the evidence is that unfortunately for those of us who like the FTA hobby, is that once Luken acquired RTV, it just went downhill from there, his other tv networks included.
Once he acquired RTN and turned it into RTV, the programming went from very good to watchable, at the beginning most folks could mention at least about a dozen shows on their RTV faves list, after 2011, most folks would only find a few number of watchable shows.
Then many of us FTA fans, were put in the dark, when due to that evident business mismanagement, Luken had to turn off the Ku feeds for RTV, PBJ, and Tuff.
But in the meantime, Mr Luken has been playing and having fun under the sun, acquiring golf courses and all that. (see links below)
I´m thankful for the time I was able to enjoy RTV.
And for the folks who still have access to it and find something good there, Enjoy it while it lasts

Henry Luken acquires two Chattanooga golf courses
Henry Luken acquires his fourth golf course
Henry Luken Has Winning Bid For Valleybrook Golf Course, Country Club
"This is a good old golf course," he said. "It just needs a little TLC (tender loving care)."
As far as future changes, Mr. Luken, who also owns the local Battlefield, Eagle Bluff and Montlake courses, said he planned to get some of his golf course maintenance staff to look at Valleybrook before making any decisions. But he imagined he would be using more chemicals to improve the grass.
Henry Luken lands Valleybrook golf course for $950,000
Had he put some TLC on his TV business, as he did for his golf properties, I wouldn´t be having this rant.