I wasn't trying to equate the two series as the only thing they have in common is actors with UK accents portraying denizens of Hell (I wonder why that is? Hugh Grant, perhaps?) And Neil Gaiman.Good Omens isn't that much like Lucifer. Good Omens is about immortals covering their tracks from a monumental error and Lucifer is a crime show with a supernatural element. Good Omens' main characters are arguably bumblers while Lucifer's immortals are flawed and dependent on mortals for their moral compass.
I never mentioned Terry Pratchett. I suppose I'm showing my age referencing Douglas Adams. And, I agree, sadly Terry and Douglas are no longer with us.To suggest that Terry Pratchett wasn't a peer to Douglas Adams is also folly. Pratchett's body of work or much, much larger. They're both no longer with us.