I connect the audio output of 722 to a pioneer receiver using a tos-link optical cable.
The popping for scratching noise started maybe last weekend. The unit will work OK for a little while and then when I change channel up or down, it will pop. But if I change channel very quickly so no picture is tuned in, there won't be any pop.
It also comes in when there are noticeable signal loss/weakening, or during commercial changes. And every once in a while, it will pop for no good reason.
I tried to change the digital audio settings, rebooted the system. also, I disconnected HDMI cable to TV. And Nothing worked.
Before I switch out and test a different receiver, I'd like to know what else I can try to fix this problem.
The popping for scratching noise started maybe last weekend. The unit will work OK for a little while and then when I change channel up or down, it will pop. But if I change channel very quickly so no picture is tuned in, there won't be any pop.
It also comes in when there are noticeable signal loss/weakening, or during commercial changes. And every once in a while, it will pop for no good reason.
I tried to change the digital audio settings, rebooted the system. also, I disconnected HDMI cable to TV. And Nothing worked.
Before I switch out and test a different receiver, I'd like to know what else I can try to fix this problem.