Silly- You might try telling them you will meet the truck to see if they are HR24s, and if not, will cancel on the spot. And then do it. Don't let any work whatsoever be done until the driver confirms you are getting what you want, AND shows them to you.
This is what I would do if I was moving to a Dish ViP722k. Perhaps it will also work with D*. Could a knowledgeable D* subscriber comment on this approach?
I would hope that if you're ordering two HD-DVRs that you'd get the same model for both. I wonder if you can request that if you use the online form or if you can get an online CSR to help you.
If you go with MRV (Multiroom viewing) more often than not you will get a HR24 (DVR) and H24. Most installs use a HR24 for the DVR and a H24 or H23 for the HD receiver. If you go through a local retailer of D* your odds go up
If a local retailer can give me the exact same deal, I'd really have no problem going through them. I think you can save shipping and handling if you go online, but if the local dealer has them in stock, do you still get charged? I don't know.
I just called Dish Network about my Absolute package. The customer service reps are definitely not trained on this one (kept being put on hold while they looked for an answer to the letter). Finally, I was transferred over to a support specialist. Basically, they will give you HD for life and Dish Platinum (like the letter said) and $10 credit for 12 months from a package that you pick (and don't forget the price increase...they mistakenly gave me a total price without showing this until I brought it up). This may depend on your status with Dish Network.
It's funny that I'm thinking of switching to DirecTV when it would actually cost me more in the long run, but there seems to be certain advantages. If Dish did offer $10 off plus HD for life plus free Platinum, I'd possibly stay.
My current bill is $36. If I had to go to Top120, it would be $51 after the price increase, I believe. Take off $10, and you're at the same price that Absolute was nine months ago or so. With the free Platinum, Cinemax for .01, and free Starz (I think I read somewhere that after February, you'd get Starz for awhile for free), it might be worth staying. The only real channel I'd miss from Absolute is the NFL Network, but even that wouldn't be a huge loss (if it isn't Saints news, I don't care.

It appears that my bill for Dish for the next two years would be $41 first year/51 second year with Top120 and a VIP622 with DVR service. The second room is SD only, but I would get a year of Platinum, Cinemax (for however that lasts), Starz (ditto if it's true), and HD for life.
With DirecTV, my bill would be $45 first year/64 second year for Total Choice Xtra. I'd have two HD-DVRs (I'd pay the extra $99 to have two of them). I'd also have the ability to watch any recorded show on any Windows PC in my house. I'd only get three free months of HBO/Cinemax/Starz/Showtime, but I'd get access to DirecTV Cinema's free stuff.
Dish still wins on price, it looks like, but you do get a lot more whiz-bang new equipment by going to DirecTV, plus, I'd get more non-movie channels. If I did want OTA, though, I think you have to pay $50 for a AM21 module, but maybe they give you a deal if you request it all at the start.
Decisions, decisions. I didn't get a letter today, so maybe if I'm quiet, they'll forget about me.