So where is the Directv (D*) list? All I see is dish (E*). Sorry if I'm missing something but everything is under Dish & Silver + Platinum. You might want to be sure cause if your right hand column is Directv some the channels you have listed are on E* in HD when D* just carries them in SD. You might want to go to AVS forum and see their comparison chart from 11-19-11 I think that will help you with you decision. They have a zip file that if you log in as member you can download that give the comparison of all providers that their members have compiled. It's pretty darn good. Just trying to help you I have nothing to say as far as a reason for you to go or stay.Gads, would be nice to have a non-emotional discussion about this.
I'm looking at all my options, not just D*...and thats part of my point, Dish isn't looking like it has as much price advantage as in the past.
And for the prices I listed, I reject your premise of there being a difference in # of HD channels... For comparison, I just did VERY quick jot of the channels for comparison(sorry the column spacing got removed)Code:Dish Silver+Platinum vs Direct Ultra AE AE ABCFam AMC APL APL Bravo Bravo CBSS CBSS CMT CMT CN CN CNBC CNBC CNN CNN ComC ComC DISC DISC DXD ENC ENC EPIX EPIX2 ESPN ESPN ESPN2 ESPN2 ESPN3D ESPNU FOOD FOOD FX HDNET HDNET HDNET Movies HGTV HGTV HIST HIST IndiePlex LFT LFT MGM MSNBC MSNBC NBCSports Ngeo NICK Palladia Retro SCI SPEED Spike Spike Starz Sundance syfy Syfy TBS TBS TLC TLC TMC TNT TNT TWC TWC Universal USA USA WGN WGN 37 39
I took the liberty of excluding any channel the wife and I just absolutely never watch... you can argue up/down a few channels.. by my count D* has a small edge(tho we don't have a 3DTV so you can probably cross off ESPN3D) but the basic point is that these 2 pkgs are pretty comparable. If it wasn't I wouldn't even bother. In previous years I've been able to justify a definite price advantage to staying with Dish. I no longer find myself able to do that.
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