Please wait while we find a representative to assist you...Welcome to DISH Network Chat.(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Hello Juliana.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: How can I help you today?
Juliana Lucas: Hi. I was just forced into AT200 when Dish Network discontinued HD Absolute, I am supposed to get some compensation for the forced package change- 1. $20/mo credit for one year 2. HD Free for life 3. HD Platinum Free for life 4. STARZ package Free for one year
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Okay.
Juliana Lucas: Also, when I look at my programming change it is showing a $10 Internation Access fee that I believe does not apply to me
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Okay.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: I'd be happy to assist you with your request.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Please give me a moment while I check that for you.
Juliana Lucas: ok
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Thank you.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Thank you for your time and patience.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: I see that on your account you are having $10 credit for programming.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Till 12 months.
Juliana Lucas: One of my friend's got a $20 credit for 12 months
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: And also $4 credit for six months.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Okay.
Juliana Lucas: My bill is going up by more than $20 by the forced switch from Absolute HD
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Okay.
Juliana Lucas: I've been very happy with Dish, but I don't think that the forced switch is fair. But the $20 credit would make it much easier to live with
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: As you asked for Starz.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: I can offer you Starz free for 12months.
Juliana Lucas: ok...and what about the $20 credit
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Yes, I understand.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Let me check that for you.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Do you want Starz to be added now?
Juliana Lucas: If it's free for 12 months, I would appreciate it
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Thank you.
Juliana Lucas: I also forgot to mention that I don't seem to be getting my regional sports network (Fox Sports Midwest...and maybe Fox Sports Indiana?) I understand they should be included with AT200...
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Let me check.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: I am sorry, it is taking longer than expected. Could you please give me two minutes more?
Juliana Lucas: That's fine, I appreciate what you're doing.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Thank you.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Thank you for you time and patience.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: What the problem you are facing when you tune into Channels?
Juliana Lucas: Channel 418 (I believe that's where Fox Sports Midwest should be) is not showing up in my guide or list of channels
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Okay.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Let me check.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: For security purposes, can you please verify the last four digits of the Social Security Number on the account?
Juliana Lucas: XXXX
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Thank you for the information.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Could you please follow the below trouble shooting steps to get the missing channels.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Could you go into the guide please and tell me which list your guide is on currently? We'd like check the "All Sub" list to see if the channel appears there. If not on "All Sub" already, you can press the guide button until you are on the "All Sub" list.
Juliana Lucas: I was already looking at All Sub and All Chan. It goes straight from channel 405 to 441...nothing in between.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Okay.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: I confirmed that the channels you're missing are in the package you subscribe to. I'm going to send an authorization signal to your receiver so that it recognizes the channels and makes them available to you again. This should take 1-2 minutes.
Juliana Lucas: okay, thanks
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: You are welocme.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: It's was my pleasure assisting you. Do you have anymore questions for me?
Juliana Lucas: Were you able to ad the $20 credit for 12 months?
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: I tried everything from my end to do that for you.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: As I couldn't do that, there is special department called loyalty.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: They will definitely help you.
Juliana Lucas: Okay....were you able to remove the $10 International Access fee?
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Do I have your permission to transfer?
Juliana Lucas: Yes, thank you
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: You are welcome.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Please be online while I transfer.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: And about $10 Access fee.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Let me check.
Juliana Lucas: okay
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Thank you.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: As I've reviewed your account there is no charge of $10 credit.
Juliana Lucas: ok
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Do I have your permission to transfer?
Juliana Lucas: Yes
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS: Okay.
(24/7) Sandhya M.FRS has left the session.Please wait while we find an agent from the (20) Loyalty department to assist you.Thank you for contacting the Customer Loyalty Helpdesk, I will be handling your request today. Please give me a few minutes to review the agents previous chat so that I can help you with your issue.Robert (ID: GCN): You have been successfully transferred to me. Please give me 1-2 minutes to access your account and review your transcript with the previous agent.
Juliana Lucas: Okay
Robert (ID: GCN): Thank you.
Robert (ID: GCN): Your patience is greatly appreciated.
Robert (ID: GCN): With the switch from Dish Absolute to the Americas top 200. You are received the greatest benefit that any of our customers.
Robert (ID: GCN): You were given the HD 200 free for life, $10 off for 12 months and, HD platinum free for 12 months.
Robert (ID: GCN): Additionally the previous agent gave you Starz free for 12 months.]
Juliana Lucas: The thing that bothers me is that we're being forced into a more expensive package, but we are losing one of our favorite channels, National Geographic. It seems that it is only available in the most expensive package.
Robert (ID: GCN): In order to continue offering the best value in programming options we occasionally need to streamline some of our less popular packages. HD Absolute was discontinued over 2 years ago, but remained available to those who subscribed to it prior to this change. We have transitioned you to a comparable package, AT200 package with Free HD for Life. You will also receive DISH Platinum free for the next 12 months and a credit of $10 per month for 12 months to help offset the price difference.
Juliana Lucas: Is there any way that Nat Geo can be included in our package?
Robert (ID: GCN): I wish it was available a la carte right now. Currently that option is unavailable.
Juliana Lucas: New subs are able to get $20 off their bill for 12 months, I think it would be reasonable for Dish to offer me that same deal since I'm being forced into a more expensive package and I have been a loyal customers for years and have even referred others to Dish. Our family budget is tight, but we would rather not leave Dish. I have seen ads for Uverse and they seem like a good deal, but I would rather not go through the trouble of switching if possible.
Robert (ID: GCN): To better assist you, please give me one minute to review your response.
Robert (ID: GCN): Because you are such a great customer. Dish Network is giving you $420 worth of credits and free programming over the next 12 months. And an additional $120 savings every year for getting the HD package free for life.
Juliana Lucas: What will my monthly bill be?
Robert (ID: GCN): I will check.
Robert (ID: GCN): With everything you have. Before any discounts your rate will be 102.98+tax. For the next 4 months it will be 88.98+tax, after that, for the remainder of the 12 months it will be 92.98+tax.
Robert (ID: GCN): One other option to consider is our Dish America packages. Have you hear of these before?
Juliana Lucas: It was $72.98. So we're losing one of our favorite channels and getting charged $20 for the privelage. That's why I wanted the $20 credit.
Robert (ID: GCN): Then lets look into the Dish America packages.
Juliana Lucas: What channels would I be losing from AT200?
Robert (ID: GCN): These are HD only channels, SD are include in these. I'll send you a link with the channel line up.]
The agent is sending you to (ID: GCN): Those packages have increased by $5 from what is posted on that page.
Juliana Lucas: okay...can you give me a minute to review?
Robert (ID: GCN): Okay.
Robert (ID: GCN): Would you like to try that package out?
Juliana Lucas: No, Dish America is missing many HD channels that we currently enjoy
Juliana Lucas:
Animal Planet
Nat Geo
Planet Green
Science Channel
Juliana Lucas: And it doesn't have the Disney/Nick channels
Robert (ID: GCN): Disney and Nick are not currently in those packages. For the other channels I recommend the Dish America Gold package.
Robert (ID: GCN): These packages exclude SD channels that is why they are cheaper than the SD counterparts.
Juliana Lucas: I know somebody else who lost Absolute HD and got $20 for 12 months. Why do some customers qualify for the credit and other's do not?
Robert (ID: GCN): You are receiving a lot of great offers on your account no further options are available.
Robert (ID: GCN): The recent business changes affected many of our customers in different ways. Customers received free programming based on the programming package they subscribed to. Give me a few moments; I would be happy to research if other offers are available for you.
Juliana Lucas: ok
Robert (ID: GCN): Should have deleted the last part. I have researched over your account.
Juliana Lucas: I have also seen some people got $20 for 6 months and then $10 for the last 6 months. Can you do that?
Robert (ID: GCN): No further options are available on your account.
Juliana Lucas: So if I stay with Dish, I'm just going to have to deal with losing National Geographic and pay $20 more a month?
Robert (ID: GCN): You will also get all of the great offers given to you.
Juliana Lucas: I would rather have $20 off a month than the Starz if that's an option.
Robert (ID: GCN): You accepted Starz by the previous agent.
Robert (ID: GCN): Do you have any other questions?
Juliana Lucas: That's not a very nice answer. It wasn't presented that by accepting the Starz I would not qualify for the $20 credit.
Robert (ID: GCN): It was not that way.
Juliana Lucas: I guess I'll just stay with the AT200 for now then, and I'll start looking at uVerse and Comcast
Robert (ID: GCN): You are not eligible to receive another $10 off for 12 months.
Robert (ID: GCN): The agent was able offer you Starz as a courtesy.
Juliana Lucas: When I asked about the $20 credit, the agent said the loyalty department would "definitely help you."
Juliana Lucas: So far you haven't done anything he didn't already do, so I wonder why he transfered
Robert (ID: GCN): I am able to help you with the options that have been given.
Juliana Lucas: Okay, just sign me up for the AT200 then with the offers discussed. I'll explore Uverse and Comcast in the meantime.
Robert (ID: GCN): It has already been made for you.
Juliana Lucas: Okay, thanks
Robert (ID: GCN): Thank you for chatting with Dish Network, have a wonderful day!
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