Looks Like Lin is back!

We lost thses same stations for over a month a couple of years back when they had a carriage dispute with Crime Warner. WIVB is the CBS affilliate and WLNO is the CW affilliate in BUF. Outside of NFL football I dont think either were missed...at least in my house. The importance of local content like news is way overblown here in the Internet age when even the local snoozepaper is offering video related to big stories. Ill go FTA for football (assuming the Bills put a team on the field worth watching). Go ahead, pull your channel from Dish.

When channel 4 was pulled from TIME Warner (to hell with your immature names), I just continued to watch Bills games and CBS primetime programming from channel 8 WROC out of Rochester on unencrypted QAM on Time Warner. I watch a lot of CBS programming and not just Bills Football, but CBS is the #1 network. It was a pain to unhook the cable box and hook the cable line directly into the TV and I did lose DVR functionality but I got to watch CBS on cable in HD and not support LIN.
A single television station raising it rates by a few pennies to a pay television provider is in no way equivalent to gas prices rising to $8.00 a gallon. It *might* be equivalent to the price of oil or gasoline pump repair rising a few cents per gallon or per unit, at best, if you disregard the fact that gasoline is much more important (i.e. gets people to work, gets food to grocery stores, etc.).

Yes it is. Because if they get a boost of that much then all the others want to get it too.
In the meantime, know you have choices. You can view us for free and in high definition over-the-air by using an antenna or switch to an alternative pay-TV provider. For more information, please visit our web site: Mobile AL News, Weather | Fox10tv.com

Thank you for supporting LOCAL television.

Matt Pumo
VP/General Manager
That's a real ignorant statement by them to switch providers , are they going to pay the early termination fee's and cost of new comparable equipment needed? I have OTA and cannot pick up there weak signal, but I can get WFNA. If they want those of us in N.W. Fl to watch OTA they need to buy some new equipment. Last time I looked they were broadcasting at very low wattage compared to all the others out of mobile.
This is the response I got from LIN;

Dear Robert,

Thank you for your email and I understand your frustration. We are trying hard to come to an agreement with DISH network. The rates we are asking for are a fraction of what DISH pays for many cable networks that you may never even watch. Local television stations are consistently ranked among the most-watched channels, in part because we provide local news and programming that cable networks don't offer and we host/sponsor important community service events, yet we do not get compensated fairly for the value of our stations. Nobody would find that reasonable, which is why Congress enacted laws that allow us to negotiate for fair compensation.

"DISH is using 140% as a public relations scare tactic. The fact is we are asking for pennies a day per subscriber. Any increase in pennies is going to result in a large percentage. For instance, if you go from 1 cent to 2 cents, that is a 100% increase. We are only asking for fair value, again pennies a day per subscriber, which is far less than what DISH is paying for cable channels that you may never even watch."

We do not want to lose subscribers or advertisers, we just want to come to a reasonable agreement with DISH. For more information; please go to our website LIN Media

Thank you for supporting your Local stations.

From: Robert Meyer
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 19:21:57 -0700
Subject: Dish network


I am a Dish network subscriber and I usually record your local Albuquerque CBS affiliate Over The Air on a Sony HD DVR, not Dish network, so if you don't get your extortionist price increase from Dish, I will not really be affected. However, I do pay Dish network for a programming package that includes local programming, and your 140% price increase demand could result in a rate increase that I would wind up paying for. BE REASONABLE!!!!! A 140% price increase is not reasonable for something that is free OTA.


Robert C. Meyer

Let's see. Are they asking for 2 cents a day? That would be about 60 cents per month. That's more than Dish pays for most cable networks which I can't receive OTA for free. Every other local will then start demanding a big increase too. Dish customers ultimately have to pay for this, even if we don't watch that channel on Dish or watch it OTA.
This is the response I got from LIN;

Dear Robert,

Thank you for your email and I understand your frustration. We are trying hard to come to an agreement with DISH network. The rates we are asking for are a fraction of what DISH pays for many cable networks that you may never even watch. Local television stations are consistently ranked among the most-watched channels, in part because we provide local news and programming that cable networks don't offer and we host/sponsor important community service events, yet we do not get compensated fairly for the value of our stations. Nobody would find that reasonable, which is why Congress enacted laws that allow us to negotiate for fair compensation.

"DISH is using 140% as a public relations scare tactic. The fact is we are asking for pennies a day per subscriber. Any increase in pennies is going to result in a large percentage. For instance, if you go from 1 cent to 2 cents, that is a 100% increase. We are only asking for fair value, again pennies a day per subscriber, which is far less than what DISH is paying for cable channels that you may never even watch."

We do not want to lose subscribers or advertisers, we just want to come to a reasonable agreement with DISH. For more information; please go to our website LIN Media

Thank you for supporting your Local stations.

From: Robert Meyer
Date: Tue, 1 Mar 2011 19:21:57 -0700
Subject: Dish network


I am a Dish network subscriber and I usually record your local Albuquerque CBS affiliate Over The Air on a Sony HD DVR, not Dish network, so if you don't get your extortionist price increase from Dish, I will not really be affected. However, I do pay Dish network for a programming package that includes local programming, and your 140% price increase demand could result in a rate increase that I would wind up paying for. BE REASONABLE!!!!! A 140% price increase is not reasonable for something that is free OTA.


Robert C. Meyer

Let's see. Are they asking for 2 cents a day? That would be about 60 cents per month. That's more than Dish pays for most cable networks which I can't receive OTA for free. Every other local will then start demanding a big increase too. Dish customers ultimately have to pay for this, even if we don't watch that channel on Dish or watch it OTA.

I think the rate for a TV station is something like $.05 per month per sub for the DMA. I could be wrong on that figure though.
LOL at Lin's response. Even though the increase is over 100%, you can ignore it because we're only dealing with pennies.... I hope that guy isn't the one approving the financial statements.
I think the rate for a TV station is something like $.05 per month per sub for the DMA. I could be wrong on that figure though.

Read that response from them again, it says pennies a day. It's probably more that 2 cents a day.

"DISH is using 140% as a public relations scare tactic. The fact is we are asking for pennies a day per subscriber. Any increase in pennies is going to result in a large percentage. For instance, if you go from 1 cent to 2 cents, that is a 100% increase. We are only asking for fair value, again pennies a day per subscriber, which is far less than what DISH is paying for cable channels that you may never even watch."
My ongoing Dialog with the GM of the local LIN Station

Mr. Wallace –

Keep in mind that we've been providing our signal for free to all of the cable and sat companies for years – yet they turn around and charge their customers for the same signal! Think about this for a moment – they make money off of our free signal by charging you yet we receive nothing from this. However, network costs continue to rise. We pay FOX for all prime programming, such as American Idol, Bones, etc and for all sports including NFL Football, Nascar, MLB, etc. In addition we pay for most syndicated programs as well, such as Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Oprah, etc. On top of that, we pay FOX and CW networks for the privilege of being an affiliate. Our costs go up yearly.

Also keep in mind the cable and sat companies PAY $4.00 per subscriber for ESPN, over a dollar per subscriber for channels such as Animal Planet and the like. This ploy by Dish is nothing new - when there is severe weather, and breaking news in our area, most people are going to LOCAL BROADCAST stations like WALA to keep their families safe and stay informed. They don't turn to these other 'channels' which Dish is paying to air.

I understand your frustration and point of view – I hope this helps you understand our position.

Matt Pumo
VP/General Manager
Mr Pumo:

I understand you think you need more money. But no one will answer my actual question.. WHY? Anyone can get your service Free off an antenna. You are completely advertiser supported.. Dish Network, DirecTV, and probably the cable company assumes all cost in getting your signal uplinked to their service.. You are out no out of pocket expenses.. You serve by license our local community.. So why do you need to charge any of us for your service.. Do you intend to start charging the customer who watches you over the air by antenna? As I see it, you gain viewers by having the pay providers carry your service.. With more viewers should come more advertising dollars.. So this comes back to my original statement.. You are holding us hostage because we use a pay service.. I can only say I, and many others, will be contacting your advertisers to let them know that we are unhappy with what you are doing. This situation is brought on by LIN Media and Not Dish Network.. You are asking for money for something that is Free to anyone with an antenna. Explain why that is fair.

DefDude said:
That's a real ignorant statement by them to switch providers , are they going to pay the early termination fee's and cost of new comparable equipment needed? I have OTA and cannot pick up there weak signal, but I can get WFNA. If they want those of us in N.W. Fl to watch OTA they need to buy some new equipment. Last time I looked they were broadcasting at very low wattage compared to all the others out of mobile.

When Dish had a similar dispute in my area, there were offers from the local cable company and directv retailers to absorb dish ETFs if someone switched, one even offered a free nintendo Wii on top of it.

I'd have more sympathy for dish if they hadn't increased prices and fees so much over the past couple years, and this wasn't the millionth time they've been in this kind of dispute. I just love how they've forced locals onto most of packages and now they don't want to pay for them. Yes, dish needs to make profit, but so do the broadcasters.
Yes, dish needs to make profit, but so do the broadcasters.

The broadcasters are supposed to make their money from advertising. But with the ailing economy, they are trying to gouge carriers to compensate for down sales.
The broadcasters are supposed to make their money from advertising. But with the ailing economy, they are trying to gouge carriers to compensate for down sales.
I got the same "form letter" in response to my e-mail to the local station. When I rec'd it, I thought to reply back and ask them if they could provide me with historical rates for advertising on their station. Curious to see if those rates have went up or down ... but I suspect they won't provide me that info !!
My ongoing Dialog with the GM of the local LIN Station

Mr. Wallace –

Keep in mind that we've been providing our signal for free to all of the cable and sat companies for years – yet they turn around and charge their customers for the same signal! Think about this for a moment – they make money off of our free signal by charging you yet we receive nothing from this. However, network costs continue to rise. We pay FOX for all prime programming, such as American Idol, Bones, etc and for all sports including NFL Football, Nascar, MLB, etc. In addition we pay for most syndicated programs as well, such as Wheel of Fortune, Jeopardy, Oprah, etc. On top of that, we pay FOX and CW networks for the privilege of being an affiliate. Our costs go up yearly.

Also keep in mind the cable and sat companies PAY $4.00 per subscriber for ESPN, over a dollar per subscriber for channels such as Animal Planet and the like. This ploy by Dish is nothing new - when there is severe weather, and breaking news in our area, most people are going to LOCAL BROADCAST stations like WALA to keep their families safe and stay informed. They don't turn to these other 'channels' which Dish is paying to air.

I understand your frustration and point of view – I hope this helps you understand our position.

Matt Pumo
VP/General Manager
Mr Pumo:

I understand you think you need more money. But no one will answer my actual question.. WHY? Anyone can get your service Free off an antenna. You are completely advertiser supported.. Dish Network, DirecTV, and probably the cable company assumes all cost in getting your signal uplinked to their service.. You are out no out of pocket expenses.. You serve by license our local community.. So why do you need to charge any of us for your service.. Do you intend to start charging the customer who watches you over the air by antenna? As I see it, you gain viewers by having the pay providers carry your service.. With more viewers should come more advertising dollars.. So this comes back to my original statement.. You are holding us hostage because we use a pay service.. I can only say I, and many others, will be contacting your advertisers to let them know that we are unhappy with what you are doing. This situation is brought on by LIN Media and Not Dish Network.. You are asking for money for something that is Free to anyone with an antenna. Explain why that is fair.


Great response and dialog with him. You hit the relevant points.
Great response and dialog with him. You hit the relevant points.
They're ignoring any "points" someone makes and are ALL responding with same basic letter :(

By the way, to anyone who's gotten a response, are they copying "PublicFile@linmedia.com" with their response ?
Maybe you should go down to your local LIN station and ask to speak to the manager and while your there ask to see their Public Records which is required by the FCC. ;)

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