Looking for a new router / access point

Anyone know what commonly available routers, i.e. Walmart, Best Buy, etc, support dd-wrt ? I think my WRT54G v6 (yes, the "crippled" version) is on it's last leg and I need to replace it.

I know I've even seen some that say DD-WRT in their description on Newegg.
Hehe, at this point, my wife's laptop is pretty routinely NOT connecting and she's getting fed up... I initially blamed it on Vista 'cause it kept going into "Local only" access, so I wiped it and put XP back on it (after a couple years). Worked fine for a couple days then started acting up. Suspected the wireless module and to workaround replacing that, I bought a USB wireless adapter and it connects instantly .... to the router .... and the wireless utility shows the break between the router and the internet. I've ruled out the OS and the adapter at this point so only the router is left to blame. I do NOT have any trouble on the wired side.

Hmmmm.... I guess it could also be the DSL modem too. :rant: :rant:

I wanted to get a wireless router that I could install dd-wrt on in the future (soon) and that I could pick up locally.
I have that issue sometimes on my laptop on various routers. It seems to not pick up an IP after coming out of sleep mode. I just hit repair and it comes right up. I always chalk it up to wireless. Still love my wired...box of CAT5 and a drill is my friend but that doesnt always work with a laptop you want to walk around with so I just deal with it.
At one time I suspected it was related to the wireless adapter going to sleep too but I think I ruled that out. In fact, I don't even think this adapter (the built-in one or the USB one) has that option or at least I didn't see it.

It first started after I installed my work's VPN client and uninstalling it didn't fix it. Figuring I might never really get all traces uninstalled and I wasn't happy with Vista on the laptop anyway, I decided to go back to XP Media Center. That would surely wipe all remnants of the VPN stuff, but the problem continued.

My wife "doesn't deal with" things well. :D
I have been using the Belkin N+ Wireless, but I can't say my problems have gone away. With heavy use, it will just randomly freeze (even thought the lights on the router and the cable modem say it is all normal), and I end up having to pull the plug on the router to bring back net access. When it happens, I can't even access the web interface for the router. There is something causing it, but I have no idea what it is.
Still slowly diagnosing things but so far, so good.... Problem may have been my good ole BEFSR41 (no version # .... i.e. "version 1") seemed to have died and may have been the cause of the problem. I was using it as a switch and it's now removed.
Coming into this a bit late... but my WAP54G 1.0 is starting to flake more and more after 6 years, so started to look myself. I've also been looking at the Ubiquiti and Open-Mesh stuff. The Open-Mesh OM1P looks interesting except it's b/g only, no N. Cheap meshable access point/router system where you can add additional ones like repeaters with no direct network access.

I was having issues with my Netgear 54G WAP/switch, similar to what people have reported here. I've since switched to Apple for the AirPort Extreme N and an AirPort Express. I like that I can extend the LAN through the CAT5 port on the Express and currently connect my Home Theater components this way. I also use the Express as an audio input to our HT with AirTunes. Along with the Remote for iTunes on the iPod Touch, this is the way to play back music in the house.

So far, the AirPort has not locked up like the Netgear used to. I had Linksys originally, but every time I tried the MS Messenger video chat, it caused the Linksys to blow up.
I'm at a loss here... I don't think it's the router after all (Linksys or not). When the laptop can't, or won't connect, (2) iPod touch units can (via WiFi) though. It still seems like it's a "sleep" related issue but neither the built-in wireless module nor the USB adapter have options that can be enabled or disabled related to going to sleep.

Currently running dd-wrt's micro version 24 beta.

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