Looking for a FTA card for a PC?

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No blind search, plus you need a pretty decent PC to run the software. It dogs on my Athlon 700. (its a software card, not a hardware one like the Nexus)
Although the Nexus has the widest software base of any of the cards, the SkyStar2 do have a blind search app written for it although it's not user friendly and can be flakey.

Don't ask me how it works because I don't own a software card.
Thanks for the feedback so far.
What about the TwinHan VisionPlus 1022A card or any of the others they make?

Are they worth the $$ or should I just spend the $$ now and both the Nexus card?

I don't need to record now BUT might someday. It seems the cards have some ways to go. I realy am looking for something that will scan.

Thanks for the input.

timmy1376 said:
Are you wanting it for recording? I now regret buying the Twinhan I have, and would trade it for a STB in a second.

ken2400 said:
I don't need to record now BUT might someday. It seems the cards have some ways to go. I realy am looking for something that will scan.

Thanks for the input.

I use a Twinhan 1020 and it is a great card, it performs perfectly on HD
4:2:2 SD and regular 4:2:0 SD. The ability to timeshift and record makes
it a great deal for the money but if you don't have a blindsearch receiver
it might be better to get one also or first.

I use my Twinhan with a Sigma Designs X-card to send 4:2:0 SD to the TV's
S-video input and I use a great program called TVedia with the DVB upgrade and control everything from the remote that comes with the X-card.

If you want to do HD you do need a fast computer, I use an Athlon Xp3000+ but it works great.
Wayn23 said:
I use a Twinhan 1020 and it is a great card, it performs perfectly on HD
4:2:2 SD and regular 4:2:0 SD. The ability to timeshift and record makes
it a great deal for the money but if you don't have a blindsearch receiver
it might be better to get one also or first.

I use my Twinhan with a Sigma Designs X-card to send 4:2:0 SD to the TV's
S-video input and I use a great program called TVedia with the DVB upgrade and control everything from the remote that comes with the X-card.

If you want to do HD you do need a fast computer, I use an Athlon Xp3000+ but it works great.

What HD are you getting? Are there many wild feeds of HD?

PS Where you you find TVedia???
You can find TVedia here. http://www.8dim.com

As for HD I have C-band and KU-band and find lots of HD feeds on C-band.
I would check your protected forum here to see if anybody posts any feeds
in HD, I don't belong to that forum here so I am not sure what is being posted. I would check Lyngsat also.
Yeah, I noticed a coupla minutes after I posted. I keep looking for my holy grail of a card that'll do FTA, OTAHD, and DVR the whole shebang. :)
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