
I hate to say it, but this season is wearing thin on me so far. They need some resolution to the Henry and Branch arcs instead just dangling the carrot. And, the serial story lines have been rather weak, IMO.
I would love any scoop on Longmire's remaining episodes, especially the finale.
Just as a key discovery is made in the David Ridges case, Walt cannot deny that Branch's erratic behavior is intensifying, making him a danger to himself and others. Meanwhile, as Vic's marriage continues to unravel, she is forced to make an important decision about her future in Absaroka County.
Spoiler alert unnecessary. Weren't any.
If it makes it past this season, I will be surprised.
I'm thinking Branch shot his Dad. MY husband saod "just to wing" him and not lkill hiim. I was worried something bad was going to happen to Henry after the happy resolution I relally like that character, and how Lou Diamond Phillips plays him. Wish the season was a bit longer though.
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Speculation: Someone may be shot, but not dead. The Branch/father/Nighthorse story line is too rich to simply wipe away like that. Amd I like Gerald McRaney. (Has anyone noticed how typcast he is, and how accurately that seems to reflect his off-screen persona?)
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When you're standing right next to someone, it would be a little difficult to "just wing" him with a shotgun.;)
All according to what ammo you're using. I could take your arm or leg off but you would still live. You would need a lot of help but you would be alive.