I need to buy a 942 to complement my Directv HD DVR. Maybe when hurricane season is over and I don't have to stockpile 100 gallons of gas to run my generators. At $2.80/gal I could have one after two more hurricanes.
Ok, guys, time to watch the other kind of football.
Don't forget the Barcelona-Valencia game on Wednesday. Should be very interesting! Hope, some of you will be able to watch it live at 3pm. Take a late lunch or get thick, as Paul suggested!
As for me, I will have to DVR it, as I will be on a business trip. So long everyone!
Was on the road depending on my 942 recording all episodes of Spanish Soccer to let me see the first HD Barca game of the season. I get home, and the only game it recorded was the thrilling Atl. Madrid-Zaragosa replay, which is erroneously labeled as Atl. v. Barca. My 942 didn't record the 12 noon (PT) slot at all, so I missed it.
Anybody else have DVR problems recording this game?
P.S. I did record Espanyol knock off RM 1-0 in a stunner with tons of controversy; great football.
And, memo to Voom: Spanish Soccer is one of your strongest program offerings, and also likely one of your most expensive. Recoup some investment and replay these matches, even in the middle of the night, so us fans can watch or record it. It certainly can't attract fewer viewers than the 1,256th airing of "Minnesota Extreme" or "Red Bull over Cleveland."