I don't understand why people keep asking why Lifetime wouldn't give Dish a contract extension. On Lifetime's site they say that they offered to extend the contract, more than once, but Dish pulled the channels off anyway.
Also, has anyone seen the letter on Dish's site to women's advocacy groups? They want to know why offering WE is contrary to what women want? Well, WE in no way compares at all to Lifetime in my opinion, and I'm sure alot would agree. Besides, alot of us were already recieving WE and Encore Love to begin with. So how is that compensating those of us who ahve premium channel packages. We are getting nothing in return for the loss of those two channels.
Also, what is up with that letter to the advocacy groups? Did they mistaken public service announcements for original movies dealing with women issues? They think they can shut the women viewers of Lifetime up by offering some little public service announcements? I don't even get that. I'm insulted enough as it is they think they can offer any old "women's" channel for Lifetime.
Besides that they are contradicting themselves by offering WE (women's entertainment) when they say Lifetime is being sexist by saying that Dish pulled the plug on WOMEN. If they think that was sexist and they think Lifetime should mention their male viewers as well, why did they put WE in replace of Lifetime? That doesn't make sense.
I would not have minded paying 4 more cents on my bill every month for Lifetime. I know people who don't watch it that much would disagree. I honestly wouldn't mind paying it for a channel I didn't like. Prices go up on everything. I can understand that. What I don't like is that the bill is going to go up $3.00 or $4.00 but with the loss of two channels now as well.
I called Directv and asked them about switching. They didn't even have time to even punch in my ss number and said I would need a $150 deposit? I know they can get credit reports really fast, but no sooner than I uttered the last number, they said there would be a $150 deposit. I'm thinking about going ahead and doing that, but am wondering if after I give them the money they will run into other requirements and I won't be able to get the service after all? Guess I will ask these questions on another forum here.
I live in a rural area, so I can't get cable. They did install it on the next street over, I wish they had come down to my street. I would definately switch to cable if I could.
Also, has anyone seen the letter on Dish's site to women's advocacy groups? They want to know why offering WE is contrary to what women want? Well, WE in no way compares at all to Lifetime in my opinion, and I'm sure alot would agree. Besides, alot of us were already recieving WE and Encore Love to begin with. So how is that compensating those of us who ahve premium channel packages. We are getting nothing in return for the loss of those two channels.
Also, what is up with that letter to the advocacy groups? Did they mistaken public service announcements for original movies dealing with women issues? They think they can shut the women viewers of Lifetime up by offering some little public service announcements? I don't even get that. I'm insulted enough as it is they think they can offer any old "women's" channel for Lifetime.
Besides that they are contradicting themselves by offering WE (women's entertainment) when they say Lifetime is being sexist by saying that Dish pulled the plug on WOMEN. If they think that was sexist and they think Lifetime should mention their male viewers as well, why did they put WE in replace of Lifetime? That doesn't make sense.
I would not have minded paying 4 more cents on my bill every month for Lifetime. I know people who don't watch it that much would disagree. I honestly wouldn't mind paying it for a channel I didn't like. Prices go up on everything. I can understand that. What I don't like is that the bill is going to go up $3.00 or $4.00 but with the loss of two channels now as well.
I called Directv and asked them about switching. They didn't even have time to even punch in my ss number and said I would need a $150 deposit? I know they can get credit reports really fast, but no sooner than I uttered the last number, they said there would be a $150 deposit. I'm thinking about going ahead and doing that, but am wondering if after I give them the money they will run into other requirements and I won't be able to get the service after all? Guess I will ask these questions on another forum here.
I live in a rural area, so I can't get cable. They did install it on the next street over, I wish they had come down to my street. I would definately switch to cable if I could.