Last Movie Streamed

"Raya and the Last Dragon" on Disney+, very entertaining. Afterwards, found out that it was produced almost entirely from home as everyone was impacted by the pandemic, some of the voice overs had to be redone due to Internet latency and bandwidth issues.
The new Boss Baby movie on Peacock. We fell asleep about 10 minutes before the end.

Do want to see the end, hope Peacock lets us fast forward to where we last remember,
The Bourne Ultimatum (Peacock) — Wrapped up rewatching the entire trilogy, which I hadn't seen in 10-15 years. Holds up well.
No Sudden Move (HBO Max) — One of the better same-day releases thus far. Gets off to a slow start, but worth watching.
Luca and Raya and the Last Dragon on Disney+

Both movies had really good audio and video. I enjoyed the story of Raya much more.
