Last Movie Streamed

"Pacific Rim: Uprising"
"Crazy Rich Asians"
"Ocean's 8"
re-re-watched Avengers Infinity War yet again on Saturday morning on Netflix with the boys, in preparation for re-watching Endgame with the extra stuff on Saturday afternoon.
I recently took advantage of a sale to rent Captain Marvel from Amazon VoD to get ready for Endgame (finally).

"Pacific Rim: Uprising"
"Crazy Rich Asians"
"Ocean's 8"

Sounds like you have HBO. Before my month of HBO Now expired a couple weeks ago, I squeezed in Crazy Rich Asians, The Hate U Give, and A Star Is Born. I couldn't get into Oceans 8.
Watched Bohemian Rhapsody (again) on HBO. Also Ready Player One, again. Classic Spielberg!
The youngest and I watched Timetrap on Netflix. Went in cold thinking it was scifi horror but it's scifi thriller. We really enjoyed it. The cast and effects were better than average for a B movie, the acting was more than serviceable, the direction was excellent, they keep the actors doing rather than talking.
Mission Impossible: Fallout, Amazon Prime. OTT per usual, but fun.
I saw that, but haven't had a chance to watch that yet. It's always helpful to see someone post a review; thanks!
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I also have the BD and have watched it several times...a well-made sequel to Rogue Nation. Explained some loose ends and tied the two movies (Rogue Nation & Fallout, plus a bit of Ghost Protocol) together nicely... I also enjoy all of them, although #2 is my least favorite...