Last and Next 3D Movie

Also, nerds will have a field day with the scientific errors they made. Like hair that fell to gravity in space. Orbits of satellites that went backwards and unscrewing a bolt clockwise. Claiming reception of shortwave ham radio signals in space. A tethered astronaut that was being pulled away by some unknown force. The humor I saw in these errors was a welcome relief to the suspense. About half way through, my wife and I were having a little contest in pointing out these errors to each other.
Next for me will be Pacific Rim 3D. I don't care about the story one bit. This one is purely about the 3D and sound.

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Last: The Little Mermaid 3D

Nicely done.

Next: The Croods

Saving Pacific Rim and iron Man 3 for when my dad comes to visit.

Last: RIPD

I know it got ripped by critics, but we enjoyed it. Fun. If you like MIB, you'll probably like this one.

Next: Pacific Rim or Monsters U

I have now 7 3D movies on backorder from 3D Getting impatient. Wish they weren't so popular. Lately it takes 10 days after I order to get shipment. Now they are telling me 20 days. Ordered on the 18th.
Yepp, I cancelled. I'll just go back to ordering 3D movies used off Amazon. Got the last one for $15. I dont watch in 3D until I know its worth it anyways. Next one I buy will be RIPD.