Last and Next 3D Movie

Some guy at AVS is bashing the hell out of 3D rental, not sure what the problem is but Ive had great service. I sent the giant slayer back today and rented Star Trek. I'll bet money it ships monday or tuesday.
Last: World War Z

Really good audio and video. Movie is a cross between Resident Evil and Contagion. Pretty good.

Next: Iron Man 3

Watched Space Junk 3D. This was an excellent documentary on the amount of debris in the different orbits. Like many, I always thought the shear size of space would make it unlikely there would ever be a collision. But we had just that in 2010 and it resulted in thousands of pieces still in orbit, now adding to the number of possible collision paths. As more and more collisions occur, the more likely more will happen. In addition, the Geo orbit is so trashed out now with orbiting debris traveling at 17,000 mph that even a fleck of Paint can cause severe damage. The documentary had some really great graphics, 3D CGI to explain it all. If you like anything connected with our space program, this is a good watch, especially in 3D.
Last: World War Z

Really good audio and video. Movie is a cross between Resident Evil and Contagion. Pretty good.

Next: Iron Man 3


Just picked up Word War Z 3D from my local Family Video store. If you have one in your area they aren't a bad deal. They charge the same price for their new releases on Blu-ray 3D as they do for DVD ($3) and they seem to stock pretty much every new release that comes out in 3D. Some of the older 3D movies are missing but the selection isn't bad at all.

Anyways, I'm really looking forward to this one. I loved the book and I have been patiently waiting to see the movie for a long time even though I hear it strays pretty far from the source.
Really liked World War Z even if it had little to do with the book. There were a couple pretty nice explosions too so crank up that surround sound.

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WWZ is a good movie but I feel the Zombie theme is a bit overdone. I saw WWZ in 2D and need to see it again in 3D.

It was fine in 3D but I don't think it is one of those movies where it is really necessary. I think I would have been just as happy with the 2D bluray in this case.

Today I rented the 3D blurays for Iron Man 3 and Life of Pi. Really looking forward to Iron Man 3 for the actual movie and Life of Pi for the pure spectacle of it.
I watched Iron Man 3 3D tonight. Movies like this one are the reason blu-ray exists. For the first half of the movie I kind of wondered why I was watching in 3D. Once they got to the big showdown it was incredibly immersive though. Just like the other two Iron Man movies the lossless sound was great too.

There was one big downside. I decided to watch Marvel's Agents of Shield series premier on ABC immediately after I finished the movie. The picture quality felt weak coming off this movie. The difference in audio quality was even more noticeable than the picture. I don't normally mind the HD channels I get from Dish but it can be hard to watch immediately after a good blu-ray.

I'll probably get to Life of Pi tomorrow.

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Finally saw Life of Pi in 3D. The story was decent and the 3D was outstanding. The lossless sound wasn't quite at Iron Man 3's level but the 3D was much better. This is a movie I couldn't really imagine watching in 2D now that I have seen it in 3D.

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I felt it was equal to IM2 in overall entertainment value. Sound was OK but not as isolated 7.1 as I expected. For 3D I prefer movies in 16:9 full screen and this one was in scope which loses points in my evaluation. We viewed from our middle of room seats to enlarge the size impression.
Finally have Star Trek Into Darkness on the way, hope to view this weekend. Also ordered a 3rd pair of glasses since my dad will be coming over and there are a few upcoming 3D movies like Pacific Rim he will be watching with us as well.
It was fine in 3D but I don't think it is one of those movies where it is really necessary. I think I would have been just as happy with the 2D bluray in this case.

Today I rented the 3D blurays for Iron Man 3 and Life of Pi. Really looking forward to Iron Man 3 for the actual movie and Life of Pi for the pure spectacle of it.

I watched it in 2D, and even on the 2D blu the PQ wasnt anything reference. The sound was good though. I mainly skipped WWZ in 3D just because of reviews I read.
Saw Gravity this afternoon at the big IMAX 3D in World Golf Village. I was skeptical since the movie basically was done with just two actors. But it was good and suspenseful.

The 3D was fantastic. There are scenes in it that in 2D would never fly. I liked the feeling of having something floating right in front of me in some parts of the movie. 2D would lose the feeling of the zero gravity in space that was very well done special effects. I was really impressed. The 28,000 watts of sound was cranked up a bit for this movie, a little too painful at times for me. The audience was packed with seniors mostly older than me.