Last and Next 3D Movie

Watched purchased MIB III last night and enjoyed the movie. 3D, even though was a hybrid of conversion and CGI stereo, was well done and easy to watch.

Just received Happy Feet 2 and Step Up Revolution from Rental, I will view the next two evenings.
Watched rental of Nemo 3D and glad this was not a purcha$e. Cute story but not a keeper to watch over and over for me. Maybe because I saw it before in 2D.

I have Paranorman 3D and Up 3D on the way. I also have UP in 2D Blu Ray and have watched it several times but decided to just rent the 3D.
Last: Paranorman 3D

Can't believe out of all the movies, that's the one he picks. Good movie.


I love Finding Nemo. Gotta love Dora.
Up was even better story in 3D than 2D. I may have to buy that one. Paranorman was not so good a story and the PQ was a bit dark for my tastes to be excellent.

Next up-- Rented Brave in 3D
Last: The Hobbit

Not BD, but a 3D movie. I didn't find the color issue at my theater, but I did notice the 48fps HFR was like having Aquomotion 480 (or similar) cranked.

Just watched The Amazing Spider-man in 3D. WOW! This is how 3D should be done! Amazing! One of the best 3D movies I ever watched!
And not only the movie itself, but some extras are in 3D too! Of particular interest is 3D 101 with director Marc Webb. Pretty cool!

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Went to see The Hobbit in 48 HFR and 3D today. WOW! Amazing 3D with very high detail and very smooth motion. I could see the difference as soon as the movie started. The movie was so immersive that I felt like I was there in Middle Earth. Too bad this kind of quality will not be available in the home theater.
Went to see The Hobbit in 48 HFR and 3D today. WOW! Amazing 3D with very high detail and very smooth motion. I could see the difference as soon as the movie started. The movie was so immersive that I felt like I was there in Middle Earth. Too bad this kind of quality will not be available in the home theater.

That is what I was thinking. It will probably be a couple years before a system is made available to home systems. Need a 48fps TV and blu-ray standard.
It is (Well very soon). The RED player is out. Very reasonable (Not much more than my first BD player). The projector was shown and will be shown at CES. A lot of these movies are shot on red anyways. Great system that requires little space. Beats BD for capacity hands down. They have a good plan for content. Sony does, too. Their new sets are supposedly shipping with some content. Projector was shown and should be a highlight at the upcoming show. Maybe Best in Show.

teachsac- The red player is similar to the many media servers out now that do basic BR but the RED is indeed capable of higher frame rate and 4k RED files. This is good for studios that can create the RED 4k 48 fps and load up the 1 TB SATA drive for playback. Similar to what we now do for a fraction of the price with straight BR iso files using a server like HiMedia 900B which is what I use here in the edit room for playback of my 3D productions. This is still a long way from where we need to be to buy and to show a movie like The Hobbit HFR 4K in the home. With a slew of new 4K TV's coming out, maybe some content will be offered sooner and some consumer version of a 4k media server be offered too.
Last: Dredd 3D

pays to be sick all week. I get to watch what I want. Unfortunately, that means I'm stuck with Hope Springs tomorrow night. Anyways. 3D was very good and I liked the movie.
