L3.60 Released For VIP-622

Scott Greczkowski said:
Do I need to post it 3 times since I have 3 622's? :D

Three 622s? Come on Scott isn't there just you , your wife and you kid here? Two ought to be enough , that is all I have with my 3 person household. Unless you are just showing off here.:D
Umm, this has probably been mentinoed elsewhere, but since you are all talking about it, how do I find out which version I'm running?
MikeD-C05 said:
Three 622s? Come on Scott isn't there just you , your wife and you kid here? Two ought to be enough , that is all I have with my 3 person household. Unless you are just showing off here.:D
My wife and two kids. :)

Actually in total I have 5 HDTV's.

1 in the living room
1 in my sons room
2 in my bedroom (1 32 Inch, a 17 inch widescreen)
1 in my 3 year olds room.

3 are hooked up to 622's
1 is hooked up to a Dish 211
1 is hooked to a Dish 625 (which is also hooked to another SD TV in the house for the baby)

We started off with one HDTV about 4 years ago when they first came out. (Toshiba TW40X81) then I got one in the bedroom (32 Inch Zenith Set with built in QAM tuner)
The we got my son a XBOX 360 and his old TV died so he got him a 32 inch Panasonic set.
My wife got me a 17 inch LCD HDTV for the bedroom (and wireless headphones) because I could never watch TV in the bedroom as she was always watching CSI.
The other HDTV in the bedroom is one I won in an office pool, its a crappy TV, but still a HDTV, I think the brand name is a Cha Ching or something like that.

Soon I will be getting a new HDTV for the Livingroom, looking at the 1080p sets by Samsung now. The 40 inch TV will be going to my older son for his XBOX360 because he got straight A's all year in school. :) One of the HDTV's I will be giving to my father since he needs a new TV anyways.

And thats the story of my HDTV's. :)
txfeinbergs said:
I have not been paying close attention lately. Does anyone know if the OTA timer's not recording when you map down the hi-def local channels issue has already been fixed in a previous update (since it doesn't appear to be addressed in this one)? Thanks.
AH HA!!!

I knew I wasn't the only one with this issue!!! Your screen name implies that you are from TX. Would that be the Houston area? I've been having this problem ever since Houston HD locals became available. See my other posts towards the bottom of this page and the top of this page. The only remedy is to turn of HD locals via satellite in the 622's menu.

Anybody else in Texas have this problem?
Got L360. Nothing different so far. I have not had video jetter for awhile, so could not tell if improved or not. Someone posted here about changing channel seemed slower that before L360, mine are all normal so far. Will keep eyes on them to see if anything changes.......
I got L360 last night and immediately noticed the HD channels are tuning much faster than before. Seems the jittering has improved as well. Not bad at all...:up
I had my 622 off from 3pm cst to 4:15 cst and just turned it on and I now have software 360. My download time is set at factory for 3am but evidently if you just turn off your receiver you will get it.
Hey no more audio noise while speaking on my minneapolis channel 9. Great.
Well, I have 3.60 now, I have rebooted and video on HD locals is terrible. I have pixilation and half the screen is turning green on my local NBC. My signal on the corresponding transponder is 81 so that isn't the problem. NOT a good download for me. Give me 3.61 in a hurry!
lakebum431 said:
Well, I have 3.60 now, I have rebooted and video on HD locals is terrible. I have pixilation and half the screen is turning green on my local NBC. My signal on the corresponding transponder is 81 so that isn't the problem. NOT a good download for me. Give me 3.61 in a hurry!
Try a cold reboot (unplug the power cord) and see what happens...
Oh Crap !!

I didn't want L360!! I have been running S/W Version "APD1" on my 622 for the past month or so. It gave me the "original" air date in the guide info. Now i'm at L360 and lost that info:mad: . I really got use to the original air date and it is really helpful when surfing.
DISH- give us original air date info in the guide!!!!!
lakebum431 said:
Well, I have 3.60 now, I have rebooted and video on HD locals is terrible. I have pixilation and half the screen is turning green on my local NBC. My signal on the corresponding transponder is 81 so that isn't the problem. NOT a good download for me. Give me 3.61 in a hurry!

Try and reboot the 622 and see if it helps.
ggw2000 said:
I didn't want L360!! I have been running S/W Version "APD1" on my 622 for the past month or so.
um, is there maybe some nondisclosure agreement you're not supposed to violate by telling us this? Or did you just get "lucky" somehow and end up with a non-public software.

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