KungFu HD and FilmFest HD now on Voom

If you check other threads, FILMF is probably Film Foreign, channel number is for what was Majestic Channel. It is probably just another name change. Doubt it would be Lifetime Movie as E* has post on website concerning the two Lifetime channels.
I believe it is Film Fest.

So, how big of an audience is there for kung fu movies? I can watch a good martial arts movie, but there seem to be so few of them. Most are the same plots worked over and over again, with a lot of blood thrown in.
1)The Lifetime thing was obviously a joke. I'm not saying it was funny...just a joke :)
2)9480 is now Film Fest, as has been discussed on multiple threads. The foreign channel is World Cinema and should be on 9475, but it's not up yet.

Anyone who wants to grab Majestic or GuyTV logos. The www.voom.com site still has them listed as channels.

The new ones are not there yet.

I am assuming they do one big changeover of the site when Dish updates/throws the switch on the 5 new ones.
Hrmm, anyone notice that the HDNEWS ticker is gone? Been watching HDNEWS for the past hr or so, no ticker (you know, the one that tells you the news, and what channels VOOM is on?)

Maybe a sign that change is imminent? (Well, we know it is probably tomorrow, but would this confirm?)
Also noticed that now before the movie starts, it has the big TV rating and "The following is being presented in its original, unedited form."

Thank you OAR.....
Looking at the program guide on FU HD... there are 3 movies per day but it turns over into three new ones after 8pm ET. So that means that the rotation will be six per day on the avg. On FilmFest the rotation changes around 6pm ET but sometimes the third movie does not kick in until late evening but you end up with 6 per day as well. So on the average we are looking at about 12 movies per day between two channels.
Not gonna read 4 pages, but I wonder why when they made the switch they only boosted it to 3 movies a day when world and family still have a full day of movies in the guide, they should do the same for film and kungfu
I can't really see KungFu HD staying around as a permanent channel. Some martial arts movies are OK, but I think I'd rather watch a Pink Panther Marathon on Animania as to subject myself to dubbed, upconverted same stuff different day KFHD. :down
As long as they bring better content and the Japanese films it will be ok. One example is the Kurosaw collection of films. They are have aired a few of them and they are precious to watch in HD!
Jackie Chan's Projecct A was previously aired non-oar if I am not mistaken. It is now OAR 2:35:1

I wonder why E* will give such low bitrates when they (supposely) have more than enough to bring the bitrate to decent level. What was the bitrate on guytv before? Wasn't it much higher and FU HD has more action moves content than guytv.
I would really love these Kung Fu and Fest channels if they looked like the old Monsters HD or HBO/Showtime do on Dish, what a disgrace :mad:

Well the bitrates have been fluctuating lately, GuyTV was up to around 13 Mbps for a few days, Majestic the same

Right now I am getting these bitrate reading's for KungFu and Fest(mind you these are not the END ALL of the channel, they are just a little idea of how things are going)

both are 1280x1080i
Kung Fu: 9.05 Mbps Video :eek:
Fest: 14.36 Mbps :) (which is plenty for True 1920x1080i Movie channels with Tel. Flags)
