KungFu HD and FilmFest HD now on Voom

Cyclone said:
FILMF is an anagram for LIFMF. It could be Lifetime Movie for Females in HD. Dish isn't yanking Lifetime, they are upgrading them to HD.

It is also an anagram for MILF- could be the Playboy HD channel making a comeback........
I was thisclose to just cancelling DishVoom altogether and making do with OTA. Glad to see the Voom changes. Finally got me excited about my beloved Voom again. Looking forward to seeing what happens next.
Thanks, it's good to be heard from again.:D
I've been around, just haven't had much to say -- it's been the same ol' same old for months. Looks like I may finally be getting some reasons to go back to my insane TV-watching schedule of old (heck, lately I've been reading!:eek: )-- but in a couple weeks I'll be disappearing for a month-long road trip out to Texas. Hopefully I'll be able to see some new movies before then -- and lots of 'em when I return.
TheTimm, looking forward to your new movie reviews!
I agree, the picture quality looks like sh*t .. i miss the pq on voom so much, but what choice do we have? .. all the technology in the world and all they serve us is half-a**, it will get better over time though, i hope.

Wednesday January 4th Broadcast Networks HDTV!

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