Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at

Kinda high - - - I bought a used one of these for $75 several years ago. But this is a great dish.
That is way too high. Ricks has them new with shipping any where in the us $26 cheaper. Now $75 is an awesome deal!!
thing is several years ago none of the feeds were scrambled (save fox & some tennis) since the networks found Ricks site it's been lights out for us. and they keep posting them still. we''ll be down to high school sports only...... sad story. hard to spend a dollar anymore for any of this stuff.
FREE - Wowzer ! - Klamath Falls, OR

Anole, what do you think ?

This dish is a fixed AZ/EL dish. IMHO opinion a polar mount would be better. A fixed ku seems kinda silly.

I agree when it comes to a 1.2 or bigger. It should be swinging the arc, but as a guy with tree issues I see a huge benefit to the 90cm I have parked at 85w.
thing is several years ago none of the feeds were scrambled (save fox & some tennis) since the networks found Ricks site it's been lights out for us. and they keep posting them still. we''ll be down to high school sports only...... sad story. hard to spend a dollar anymore for any of this stuff.

Just throwing that out as an examplie of why it is too high. Not suggesting you buy anything from anyone. I'm on here hoping to find a free/cheap 8 footer in the Memphis area.
Just throwing that out as an examplie of why it is too high. Not suggesting you buy anything from anyone. I'm on here hoping to find a free/cheap 8 footer in the Memphis area.

i hear ya
touched my first dish in 1971 in love since. the worse things to happen to the home dish owner.
1) encryption - invented 1985
2) fiber
3) Rick's site and others posting feeds on the net.....i've done it sorry as heck i did.
i hear ya
touched my first dish in 1971 in love since. the worse things to happen to the home dish owner.
1) encryption - invented 1985
2) fiber
3) Rick's site and others posting feeds on the net.....i've done it sorry as heck i did.

You might want to add Pizza dish systems and the elimination of Ala Carte big dish subs to that list.

I didn't mind the sub that much as long as I didn't have to buy 50 channels of crap I didn't want to get the 4 or 5 channels that I did want. Back in the day I never spent more than $150 a YEAR on a sub. Now those providers aren't happy unless you're paying at least $100 a month for the junk they stick you with. Ok, I'm done, rant off! ;)
This dish is a fixed AZ/EL dish.
IMHO opinion a polar mount would be better.
A fixed ku seems kinda silly.
Remember where these dishes come from.
Fixed as/el is what they are bought for.
There is nobody installing commercial Ku dishes to sweep the arc.
Just no commercial application.
So, when we run across one of these beauties surplus , we put it on a motor! :)
That is the exact same dish I have (and same place I live!). The ribs get bent very easily since there is no crossbeams all the way out 10'. I'd avoid that one IMHO.

Thanks for the heads-up! I'll keep looking. If you're in my neck of the woods, let me know if you spot anything over 30" :)
Watervliet, Michigan
Winegard C Band Dish 10' Big Dish $25 AZ-EL
Don't ask me why there are 3.75 linear actuators included.

Price dropped... (still not enough)
Corydon, Indiana
10 Foot Black Mesh Satellite Dish

Still waiting for a buyer...
Keflavik Airport, Iceland
Scientific Atlanta 10M 32.8' $10k

RCN on SES 6 (40.5°W)
