Kijiji, eBay, and Craigslist dishes for you to take a look at



$25 - solid reflector - Maidsville, WV

View attachment 88566[/QUOTE]

App. 9 feet in diameter- email if interested!

May be within 1/2 hr drive.
Looks questionable without lots of parts, no post, or LNB, mounting. I am not familiar with FTA with a hands on approach, done lots of reading. I have not put up my KU setup yet. Is this anything I want to even look at at this time?


Gray Hair
$25 - solid reflector - Maidsville, WV
App. 9 feet in diameter- email if interested!

May be within 1/2 hr drive.
Looks questionable without lots of parts, no post, or LNB, mounting.
I am not familiar with FTA with a hands on approach, done lots of reading.
I have not put up my KU setup yet.
Is this anything I want to even look at at this time?

Doesn't seem like a good first-time project.
Getting it running -would- be within the capability of many advanced/experienced members here on the forum.

Also, we don't really know what we got there.
It might be a BUD, or maybe a commercial microwave dish.
Figuring the focal length and constructing feed-support legs is easy.
Finding a polar mount (or H-H) to graft the dish to, that would be a challenge!

The rim looks like a 7.5 foot Paraclipse Hydro perf.
Did the seller measure it right?
Too many questions; not a lot of answers.

If you are interested in a C-band BUD, there are a lot out there for $0 to $100 with all their parts. :up
But 9' solid (metal?) dishes don't grow on trees.
Doesn't seem like a good first-time project.
Getting it running -would- be within the capability of many advanced/experienced members here on the forum.

Also, we don't really know what we got there.
It might be a BUD, or maybe a commercial microwave dish.
Figuring the focal length and constructing feed-support legs is easy.
Finding a polar mount (or H-H) to graft the dish to, that would be a challenge!

The rim looks like a 7.5 foot Paraclipse Hydro perf.
Did the seller measure it right?
Too many questions; not a lot of answers.

If you are interested in a C-band BUD, there are a lot out there for $0 to $100 with all their parts. :up
But 9' solid (metal?) dishes don't grow on trees.

The C-Band Bud's I usually see here are several hours away. While I am not in a hurry I sure didn't want something good to get away that close.

There is a big Fiberglass BUD within a 1/4 mile laying on its back, so I am guessing the pole is already pulled out. But from what I read here I don't want any part of it, because of the condition and probably the weight.

Thanks again Anole for your help!!
The C-Band Bud's I usually see here are several hours away.
get a clipboard, a camera, and a co-pilot, then drive around through all your local neighborhoods.
If you can get a few good pictures,we might help you select one.

While I am not in a hurry I sure didn't want something good to get away that close.
here's an example of something good:
An Ajak 180 H-H motor with a threadbare mesh bud on it!
THAT's something you grab, regardless the dish or it's condition. :up

There is a big Fiberglass BUD within a 1/4 mile laying on its back, so I am guessing the pole is already pulled out. But from what I read here I don't want any part of it, because of the condition and probably the weight.
Most people can't tell the difference between an old one-piece Fiberglas and a more modern Commercial glass-reinforced molded Channelmaster/Andrew or a Prodelin.
The latter is often transmit-certified, built in four slices, and have ribs on the back.

What you have there might make a better duck pond.
But without more info & pictures, it's impossible to say.

Thanks again Anole for your help!!
Most of what I know about BUDs, I picked up reading this site for a few years.
I have my opinions , preferences, and prejudices .
Get other input and do your own research. :)
$25 - 8' Echostar mesh - Missoula, MT

"Tell 'em Charlie sent ya."

Desirable dish, but...

$2000 - fiberglass BUD - Indian Rocks Beach, FL
Priced for quick sale.
I would say that is an 8' or 10' ChannelMaster/Andrew molded dish.
Was the guy using it for moon ounce, or a birdbath? :)
Interesting base he has there. Never saw one like it.

Assuming he meant $200 and not $2000, . . .
But if that's an Az/El mount, it's less desirable.
$2000 - fiberglass BUD - Indian Rocks Beach, FL

Priced for quick sale.

View attachment 88576

I would say that is an 8' or 10' ChannelMaster/Andrew molded dish.
Was the guy using it for moon ounce, or a birdbath? :)
Interesting base he has there. Never saw one like it.

Assuming he meant $200 and not $2000, . . .
But if that's an Az/El mount, it's less desirable.

Good call. That looks very much like my 8' Channel Master from the back side, sans lichen. Mine was free, mount, motor and dish... YMMV...
Update on the following...

Free - 12' mesh - Papillion, NE

What kind of mover might that be...

View attachment 88495 View attachment 88496

Let's see, it's 40 miles away... it's free... it's 12'... h-h mover... he offeres to help take it down... What else is there to ask for?

I've sent him an email.

Oh, you're that close?
Yea, I'd be right over, too! :up

If it's any kind of H-H, take it all no matter the condition of the dish.
Worst case, you might use those pannels to restore another dish.

Regardless, take some pictures while you are there.

Received a response to my email, he's supposed to call me to arrange a night this week to take it down. I'll try to get some pics.

The pics make it look like a deep dish. any thoughts on make?

The posting has been taken down.
I guess you convinced him. :)

As I recall, the pictures were of poor quality, so I didn't save 'em.
I was busy looking at the (hopefully H-H) mount and ignored the dish ;)

edit: oh, Toucan Man posted the pix!
That IS a deep dish!

We eagerly await your info and better pictures.
(even if you have to shoot in the dark) !
Then, maybe one of the members who used to install BUDs can identify it for you. :up

The emails we exchanged...:mad:

----- Original Message -----
From: Me
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 8:51 AM
Subject: 12 foot satellite dish for free (Papillion)

Hello, I responded last night for this dish. I wanted to let you know I can help take it down any night this week or anytime Friday-Sunday. I have tools, ladder etc. My goal is to save the dish (not scrap it) to use it again.

Please let me know if it is still available.



From: craigslist 3861327242 []
Sent: Tuesday, June 11, 2013 10:10 AM
Subject: Re: 12 foot satellite dish for free (Papillion)

Gerry thanks for the offer that sounds great Ill call you when we get a night free Thanks again


----- Original Message -----
From: Me
Sent: Thursday, June 13, 2013 9:35 PM
Subject: RE: 12 foot satellite dish for free (Papillion)

Russ, I was wondering if you had a date in mind for taking the dish down.

Thanks again,


Sorry I didnt call. There were a few of us studying it the other day and we just went with it, got it down and I didnt have your number with me. It has been removed sorry. Russ
"Removed"? As in: gone?
Or as in: come by and haul it away?
I didn't like the: sorry.

Even if the dish is wrecked, I would still want to recover the motor...if it's an H-H.
"Removed"? As in: gone?
Or as in: come by and haul it away?
I didn't like the: sorry.

Even if the dish is wrecked, I would still want to recover the motor...if it's an H-H.

I replied to see what state of "gone" it is... Pisses me off, not that he owes me, but he said he'd call. I would have been there Wednesday if he said "go".
Way too large a percentage of people are inconsiderate flakes.
First clue should have been the "free".
He obviously wanted it gone, and saw no value in it - just trash.

Better luck next time.
Good news. Bad news.

$100 each - 10' BUD, QTY 3 - Mercedes, TX

i have 3 10 ft diameter Satellite Dish. they were hooked up to a Satellite system . Company went out of Business . You pick them up. $100 each. Also have a complete Headend , modulars .Need it all gone.
If this was a small community system or cable headend, the dishes will likely be on fixed mounts.
Probably commercial solid, though. No guarantees.
Shop accordingly.
Update on the following...

The emails we exchanged...:mad:

I've had that happen several times when I was harvesting Primestar dishes years ago. I learned quickly to NEVER wait! Once I have the guys address, I'm there, and the dish is being removed right then. Far too many flakes out there...

GO to the guys house now! I wouldn't wait on yet another email from him. Knock on the door. If the dish or mount is still there, fine, if not, then you got a nice ride.
More email...
----- Original Message -----
From: Me
Sent: Friday, June 14, 2013 10:17 AM
Subject: RE: 12 foot satellite dish for free (Papillion)

Oh that's too bad. I really wanted to get this back in use and not thrown away. Is it completely gone?



yes sorry

I've had that happen several times when I was harvesting Primestar dishes years ago. I learned quickly to NEVER wait! Once I have the guys address, I'm there, and the dish is being removed right then. Far too many flakes out there...

GO to the guys house now! I wouldn't wait on yet another email from him. Knock on the door. If the dish or mount is still there, fine, if not, then you got a nice ride.

Problem with that is the anonymity of the Internet. He's in a town of 350,000+ and I can only narrow it down to a 4 sq mile area... all I ever had from him is his first name and his craigslist email link...