Jyazbox Ultra HD V500

Wondering if anyone has any thoughts on a Jyazbox Ultra HD V500? I am looking for a better FTA satellite receiver.
I would pass on that one myself. The specs mention Turbo 8PSK and the JB200 module which can be used for bad things. Here are the specs and a link to a post from Titanium regarding what these 'features' can be used for. :(

Maybe give the Amiko Mini HD265 or Amiko Mirax from KE4EST at Michael Electronics a try. :)
Ok Thanks.Thats what I was looking for. Good to know what to avoid when making a purchase.I would like to purchase from the US but by the time I pay the exchange and shipping it's getting up there in cost.
Yeah, would stay away from that box. Probably have lots of REAL FTA issues, seeing as how it is sold for sole purpose stealing DISH Network.
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Need to verify the actual C band's on 61W or 58W

