Just Slap Me and Call Me Stupid !!!

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That's Cold Bro !

That's Cold Bro, No, as Carlitto would say,"Now That's Cooool" . I know Ice, what I was referring to was Dir__-v being at 101. One Heck of a signal meter on an RCA receiver which won't pick up signal on AMC-5 ;)
Dish Elev

I can't get my dish elev to go down to 26. According to the picture on the box it came in, it shows the small bolt all the way to the end of the gauge, well the square mounting rod on the back of the dish won't allow my dish to go down that far. At first the motor Mast(what the dish mounts onto) was to long, so with a HackSaw, I cut off 1 an 1/2 inch, but its not enough. Now I see why there aren't too many FTA Retailers down here in South Florida. I was wondering if maybe I could put washers between the top two mounts where the dish is attached to the Bracket ? That might lower my angle just enough, or maybe two washers on each? Any Feed-back will be appreciated!!
Bad Plumbing !!!

Well, it's been awhile and all I can say is, If Yours Pipes aren't Plumb, you'll be chit out of Luck :) I had to change from the roof mount(Facia) to a 16 foot pole in the ground, attached to the side of the roof(Facia) and now some success :rolleyes: Got 21 channels on AMC5 and according to global-cm.net there are only 14 available !!! What's up with Utah,8 channels all the same ? Didn't get New York,off-track betting or TeleMundo but I did get Tampa on two channels and NASA on two ! Now it is pouring Cats and Dogs down here in Sunny So. Fla and can't see anything, Oh Well WWE Raw is on soon, Hope Ole D*****v is still going :eek: Talk at You all L8r ;)
*Slaps OP* Stupid!

oh, sorry, I wasnt supposed to take that literally. ;)

Glad you got it working :)

Now I'm reaching alot of...Bad or Scrambled Channel and a whole bunch of $ signs. Can anyone shed some light on this situation ?
Those channels are encrypted so you cannot receive them. Do a scan for FTA channels only.
Am getting lots of channels and I have one suggestion for NewBies getting into just Free To Air....Go to either one of the farthest Sats from your location and werk your way back one Sat at a Time and d/l. I messed up, I started at 79 and went over to 123 and I'm driving me Motor CrAzY going back and forth. Is there an easy way of Re-Booting to Start all over again from Sat 22(NSS7) and werking my way back thru Sat 139 (AMC8). Echo 1,2 (148) is out of me range :) ??Thanks Again !!! :cool:
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Check this thing out.. a 1" thick flat "dish"

Wrong LNB / Wrong Satellite?

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