Just Slap Me and Call Me Stupid !!!

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SatelliteGuys Family
Original poster
Apr 5, 2005
First off, I just wanna say: Thanks 4 Being Here :) I found U a few days ago and have been reading and printing alot B4 doing this. Now I got no Choice, I'm Stumped !!! I have a 4Tec Ultra,76cm dish,h2h mot'r, I'm @ Lat25.77,Long80.18, Elev59.9, Azimuth177.3, Declin aprox25.6 (no Line,so I'm in middle of bolt) According to all charts I have seen and read, my True South Sat is AMC-5(K5) @ 79* W. I double checked all this and all I can get on Sig Level is 58 % and "No Program Found". I turned on the Usals when I scanned Sat 79 and when I went out 2 Look @ the Dish, it had moved aprox 30* 2 the right. If AMC-5 was my True South Sat then why did the Dish turn ? That I can't figure out, unless my dish is trying 2 tell me that my True South Sat is not my True South Sat or is not where my True South Sat is supposed 2 B :confused: Any Help will B gr8ly appreci8'd !!! Thanks again... G
Hello and wecome to the Satelight Guize.you S FTA Forum : )

Anyway for your latitude (26 deg.) If you are using an SG2100 motor then the angles are below...

Motor Elevation = 64 deg
Dish Elevation = 26 deg.
Declin. = 4.4 deg (not needed)

You will need to motor that dish back to the zero position (as close as you can get it) I would also set the receiver back to factory condition.
Then make sure you enter your latitude and longitude correctly in your true south satellite (AMC-5) in the antenna setup screen. Make sure your Long. is W and your Lat. is N.
Never power up your motor until you get signal quality on your meter from your true south satellite, as you know signal strength means nothing.
Remember to make your true south satellite your "O" position by hitting Reference position in antenna set up under USALS.(And store)
Enter the below for AMC-5

NYN-2 (channel name)

DFreq : 12179 MHz (H) SR : 23.000

And watch for signal quality.
WoW, that's Fast

Thanks PSB, Me h2h motr is DiSEqC1.2 H-H Mount from Microyal. Do they really make a bunch of difference ? I'm going now back 2 the TV and try the other infro U gave me ! Thanks ! B back l8r... G
Ohhh Mannn !!

U mean 2 tell me that 5 little ole degrees can make that much difference ??? I saw that 64 Elev in my manual and I still went but what was said @ 12Sat .com and 59.9. Oh well, its 9:20 P here, will try on the morrow. One more little note, I went and put in what U sug and noticed...Sat Post 79.0W...Long 25.9W...Lat 80.2N...Ref Point OK...Move 53.6W OK...Store OK.Now, shouldn't the Sat Post and Ref Point be the same or am I just Bass ackWards. I mean, if my True South Sat is @ 79.0 N, why would me Ref Point and Move show 53.6W ? Now Me is :confused: :confused: Would have Bin back sooner, Windows Update nailed me !!!
There are satellites that are within 5 degrees of each other! This is a rarther exact process. Keep in mind that at the altitude that the satellites are orbiting one degree can be a signficant distance.
Welcome Gw! :wave

but could you do us (or at least me) a little favour, and type out the words. This isn't a message board for 14 year olds :D
I agree with Iceberg...
gw1110 said:
when I went out 2 Look @ the Dish, it had moved aprox 30* 2 the right
30* 2 threw me off for a second. But otherwise, welcome gw1110. :)
30* 2 the right

Now I'm cornfused :confused: I guess I should have said, With my dish pointing at 179.9 south, I set my fortec on AMC Sat at 79.0 degrees for my True South Sat. When I scanned sat 79.0, I noticed that my dish had moved approximately 30 degrees to the right or West as the case my be. That I can't understand !!! If I set it at True South at 79.0 degrees, Why did it move ? anyway, when I get home I'm gonna change my Elevation to 64 degrees instead of 59.9. Thanks again for the Welcome ;)
Remember to use................ Long. is W and your Lat. is N.
Still 57%

I just reset angles and still only 57%. Now on this motor where the Elev. is, there is no mark or arrow to use. Just a small bolt. Do I set it in the middle or do I use either side,top or bottom? This motor looks almost identical to the 2100. Also, I'm using the LNB from DirecTV, should I use the fortec universal ? While I wait for a reply, I'm gonna change LNB's and see what happens ;) Now what really gets me is this ; If Sat AMC-5 is supposed to be my True South Sat at 79 degrees, why when I scroll down to MOVE, it shows 53.6W, Should this not be 1.2E ? If my Lat is 80.2W then shouldn't I have to go 1.2 degrees back East to pick up 79.0? Thanks again !!! G.
If you are using the DirecTV LNB that is a problem, use the Universal LNBF for AMC-5 as its a linear polarized signal, you will also have to change your L.O. in antenna set up...

DirecTV (DBS) LNB L.O. =11250
Universal LNBF L.O. = 9750-10600 (Universal 1)

I did that PSB and am using the Universal 1 setting. I thought I would try pulling in Sat 101, when I went to MOVE it showed 10being at 71 degrees W of me, when I click MOVE to move the dish, it Flash back...Out of Range... What I have decided to do is start all over again. Am using the Diseqc1.2 part on setup and am Nudging East to West and back until I get the Strongest Sig Strength and then I'll adjust Elevation until it comes in...change the mount to come to the new 0 Position for AMC-5...tighten the bolts and try again. I'll respond this evening...Thanks again !!! G.
Lot or Lang ??

Thanks PSB, after going to the Factory last night and resetting I found the foul-up, setting for Lat an Long were sdrawkcab :eek: Why ? I don't Know they just were, I was almost gonna call you and have you come down and install this for me, but, with Gas Prices the way they are, I don't think I could afford your mileage :) Now it is Cloudy and SmackDown is on soon. Thanks, All Have a Good Night !!!
Very cool, it still feels good to hear a success story, thanks for sharing!
Another trick !!!

Was having some problems with Elevation, so I'm gonna move to 101, hook up my RCA DRD 102, turn the TV up, open the front door and use that signal meter to get the elevation in. Then I'll switch LNB's back to the Fortec Universal and see what I get from AMC-5. Is there a Channel List that You would recommend ? I am using Windows 98se. Thanks again, Have a Great day !!! G.
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Check this thing out.. a 1" thick flat "dish"

Wrong LNB / Wrong Satellite?

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