Just a friendly warning about DishStore.net/Metro25's rebate scam

HA! I'm glad to hear it. Claude you are, as always, being too nice. If the fee (which is not to receive a rebate but for shipping) is indecated right on the redemption ticket, then I think you are being more than fair!


come on, everyone knows that people don't read things anymore and then blame the company for not telling them it's there...
Ah, what we see here is why Small Business owners are some of the best, most hardworking people on the planet. A guy who has such passion for what he does, that he's willing to take a loss on some things just to satisfy a customer who may have misread (or did not read) some of the specifics of the deal in the hopes that he can turn this guy into a repeat customer in the future.

And, also in this thread is a perfect example of the customer who tends to treat small businesses like big corporations, and is under the impression that someone who's simply trying to eke out a modest, honest living is willfully scamming the very people he depends on to keep food on his table and clothing on his childrens' backs.

Claude, I've never done business with you, but I've heard nothing but good things about you and what you do. My hat's off to you sir.

OP, sometimes misunderstandings happen. Especially so when it's a small business like Claude. I know it's easy to try to play the victim with a big ugly corp. does something you might not like or understand. But take a moment to put yourself in the shoes of the other guy you're puttin' your dukes up for.
Scott and Claude I commend you both for listening and not just closing the thread. What other site in the world would do this? - very few and far between. It just shows the honesty and sincerity of both the site and one of its sponsors. Kudos to both DISHSTORE.NET and SatelliteGuys.
It says right on the bottom of the redemption page "Customer must pay for shipping/handling" As far as posting the exact amount of the shipping/handeling fee as you are asking, that cost is determined by and is subject to change by the vendor that we are required to use to mail out the Gift cards.

If you or anyone else on this site was charged for shipping and would like a refund please send me a PM we will send you out a check to cover the shipping.

As far as closing this thread, I would actually prefer it to stay open. This thread has brought alot of attention to our promotion, and as a result we have signed up several customers after they read this thread.

Scott and Claude I commend you both for listening and not just closing the thread. What other site in the world would do this? - very few and far between. It just shows the honesty and sincerity of both the site and one of its sponsors. Kudos to both DISHSTORE.NET and SatelliteGuys.

Given the quoted postings, I take back what I said about closing the thread. It seems that information is information and can be good or bad depending on each individual's take, but closing the thread would be a form of censorship, which is never good.

Scott, I'll leave you to run your forum while I enjoy it! :hatsoff:
Claude, I did not use you to get service, but after reading the thread, I wish I had. That said, Im about to send you a pm with my info so you can send me the $16 refund that some others dont want to take.....:D

Seriously, keep up the good work.
Again, to point out, the disclaimer for the S&H fee isn't listed on every page, only on the rebate form that the CSR tells you not to fill out. I guess if Claude is not willing to do what he said he would (like I said, it's not about the money) then that's fine.
I guess if Claude is not willing to do what he said he would (like I said, it's not about the money) then that's fine.
ENOUGH ALREADY!!! He has REPEATEDLY told you he will send you a check. If you don't PM him like he has asked, it's your problem. Quit making statements that attempt to malign him. You seem to prefer retribution over resolution.
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ENOUGH ALREADY!!! He has REPEATEDLY told you he will send you a check. If you don't PM him like he has asked, it's your problem. Quit making statements that attempt to malign him. You seem to prefer retribution over resolution.

you probably used too many big words... ;)
Again, to point out, the disclaimer for the S&H fee isn't listed on every page, only on the rebate form that the CSR tells you not to fill out. I guess if Claude is not willing to do what he said he would (like I said, it's not about the money) then that's fine.

Still beating a dead horse. Either PM Claude to get the 16 back or shut up. You don't deserve it since it is on the form that you will have to pay but Claude has said he will give it to you.
I think Claude should give him the $16.00 credit, then charge him a $16.00 PITA fee.
Again, to point out, the disclaimer for the S&H fee isn't listed on every page, only on the rebate form that the CSR tells you not to fill out. I guess if Claude is not willing to do what he said he would (like I said, it's not about the money) then that's fine.

So it isnt on ALL, but is on ONE (even if a CSR tells you not to fill it out), if YOU dont read it...well.......

As I see it Claude made EVERY effort to make it right with you. It seems to me that he has bent over backwards to "make it right", but you dont want to accept it.
Man at this point all you are doing to the casual observer is making Claude look good. Just saying, because I had, and still have, no dog in this fight.
I don't know how many times I can say it's not about the $16. It's my fault that I didn't read the form that I was specifically told not to worry about? Anyway, I have people telling me I should go to the FTC, and I have people saying I'm on a crusade. It's not really worth my time to take it that far. Claude said he had worked out a solution with Dish and he'd work on the wording on the site, but he hasn't. That's the solution I'm expecting. I honestly don't give a damn about the $16. But, I guess that you guys have been around Dish long enough that it's not shady unless you have to deal with someone in Nigeria.
So it isnt on ALL, but is on ONE (even if a CSR tells you not to fill it out), if YOU dont read it...well.......

As I see it Claude made EVERY effort to make it right with you. It seems to me that he has bent over backwards to "make it right", but you dont want to accept it.
Man at this point all you are doing to the casual observer is making Claude look good. Just saying, because I had, and still have, no dog in this fight.

And please do not act as if you do not have a dog in the fight. You have in your signature a link to a satelliteguys affiliated site and you're a pub member and supporter. and that's fine, I am not slighting that, but obviously you are on the side of claude who is a sponsor of this site. I'm not saying taking a side is wrong, but don't try to act like you aren't.
I don't know how many times I can say it's not about the $16. It's my fault that I didn't read the form that I was specifically told not to worry about? Anyway, I have people telling me I should go to the FTC, and I have people saying I'm on a crusade. It's not really worth my time to take it that far. Claude said he had worked out a solution with Dish and he'd work on the wording on the site, but he hasn't. That's the solution I'm expecting. I honestly don't give a damn about the $16. But, I guess that you guys have been around Dish long enough that it's not shady unless you have to deal with someone in Nigeria.
If what you are saying is true then why haven't you done anything? Have you called anyone or are you just he to B?
Guys, I can see that if someone thought a website was misleading, they would tell us. Further, if nothing was changed on the site, they might still post about it. So on that level, I don't think the OP is out of line.

I do happen to think the owner has been very willing to refund $16 to those that want it, and says he is looking into the whole situation. He also said he was not aware the cost to redeem was as high as it is. I also am not sure that it is illegal to charge an amount to get a rebate. There are many times a self addressed stamped envelope is required, so while obviously far less than $16, it is a cost to get the rebate. So with that, I think the point has been made, the website can change how the rebate is presented or not. I think at this point how much more can be said? But don't get me wrong, I think keeping the thread open is fine.
As per the business rules set by DISH Network

Cashier’s check or money order for shipping and/or handling fees. Limited to the greater of $5.00 or
150% of the average actual shipping cost (including without limitation, the cost for shipping insurance
and signature confirmation) for the applicable promotional item.

I read the business rules and the fulfillment vendor can charge up to 150% of the actual shipping costs. So if the charge was $16, the the actual shipping charges to send this out came out to $10.65...

Now here that would break down with shipping, insurance and signature confirmation...

A) Priority Mail....................................$5.95
B) Signature Confirmation...................$2.35
C) Insurance......................................$2.48

150% surcharge for handeling.............$5.39

Total Charged to customer..................$16.17

Now that I did the math the $16 actually makes sense as the $5.39 surchage is actually about the fee that must be paid to the bank to setup the gift card.

Considering im paying the vendor $130 for a $125 card, the Vendor is making about $5 when this is all said and done.

At first the $16 fee seemes a bit high, but you go to go with the Priority mail shipping to track the item, you have to insure it, as once the cards are sent they are as good as cash, and you need a signature to prevent fraud once the customer receives it.

But the solution has been worked out to cover those shipping charges for the customer, but just thought I would point this out.

Finally, its not a rebate we are advertising. Its a gift with purchase
And please do not act as if you do not have a dog in the fight. You have in your signature a link to a satelliteguys affiliated site and you're a pub member and supporter. and that's fine, I am not slighting that, but obviously you are on the side of claude who is a sponsor of this site. I'm not saying taking a side is wrong, but don't try to act like you aren't.

My having a sig and being a pub member does not mean I will side with Scott or Claude automatically.
Honestly, this thread is the most I have been in contact (if you can call this that) with Claude since I became a member several years ago. I knew who he was, but for a long time he only dealt with Dish (or so I understood), so I had little reason to follow his posts.

As far as taking sides goes, I am basically just forming an opinion on the issue (not the posters mind you) based on what has been presented. It "seems" from your first post in this thread and the use of the words "scam" and "suing" that you over reacted to a very small issue.

In any case, I hope that you guys get your problems resolved.;)
As far as taking sides goes, I am basically just forming an opinion on the issue (not the posters mind you) based on what has been presented. It "seems" from your first post in this thread and the use of the words "scam" and "suing" that you over reacted to a very small issue.

I believe what the OP is looking for is to feel vindicated. It's understandable, really. When you feel as though you've been slighted in some way it's natural to want to feel as though your anger and frustration is justified.

Sometimes reason can take a backseat to your emotions, which I believe is what happened here. The only way I can see this situation resolving without hurt feelings on either side is for the "offending" party to take steps to resolve the issue. I personally feel this has already been done, but clearly not to the OP's satisfaction.

From what I can see, Claude as already apologized, advised he'd take whatever steps he could to correct the "obtuse" nature of the offer, and even offered to refund shipping charges not only to the OP, but to anyone who may have felt slighted by the offer.

I fail to see how this isn't resolved, but the OP clearly has some other issue that perhaps he's having trouble communicating to us and to his prey.
All that I think should happen is that Claude should put on every page, even if it's in the fine print, that a $16 shipping and handling fee would apply to the rebate. And the word rebate is used on the site, Claude, not "gift". Anyway, like I said, I'm not on a crusade, and obviously I'm beating my head against the wall here.

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