Well I have had two HR24 hard drives crap out on me in less than three years, and a third one is on it's last legs (a low level scan just corrected 1402 disk errors). So, I would not consider these things long-term storage devices. I am going to lose some recording I would really like to be able to watch at a later date.That said, DVRs do work fairly good as a storage medium... I have a friend who still has my old upgraded HDVR2 circa 2004-ish when I did the upgrades, and it's plugging along great. Hard drives can actually be pretty reliable as well, and supposedly are getting even more reliable. I know of one particular radio station that has had it's old DOS-based automation software running 24/7/365 since 1989 -- without a glitch; same hard drives (3 huge 1.2 gig Micropolis 5.25"ers).