It's not so much about running Netflix, But your 1-3 mbps running multiple streams, plus the other household internet usage isn't going to be acceptable.
To someone whom is used to it, well that's a different story.
When we has 15 Mbps ,it will run 4 streams of Netflix at the same time in my house. Not full res HD.
But don't dare do anything else online, and the PQ is fair at best.
No offense Jimbo, but you sound just like the Verizon rep, trying to sell a poor 3 mbps service like it's acceptable by 2015 standards.
The average US household has 12 Mbps services.
We have 60 Mbps service, and we can run 4 streams of Netflix with Great PQ, as well as download Dish On demand, and still surf the web, while online gaming.
3 mbps isn't going to do this.