Source & More: Joss Whedon, creator of Fox's sci-fi series Dollhouse, told a group of reporters that he's resigned to the show's fate and that a second-season pickup is unlikely, but said he holds out hope for a renewal. Fox has not yet announced its plans, but the show's ratings have been below expectations and it is not expected to be picked up.
Hey, thanks for the optimism Captain Sunshine.
Nice to know that Fox is looking at something besides just Nielson numbers if this is true. It and Terminator are big with the IPod crowd, so maybe that counts for something....
If that's the case, why do them put them on in the first place?Just being a realist. FOX and all network tv , Hates sci-fi plots and does their best to cancel them.
If that's the case, why do them put them on in the first place?
The "Dollhouse" is not closing up shop just yet.
Creator Joss Whedon was optimistic about "Dollhouse's" chances for renewal at a Paley Festival panel for the show on Wednesday evening
I don't buy this week episode. These people who created the dollhouse or sponsoring the dollhouse are not people with very high moral. Why wouldn't they want eternal life? You would think that this IS the selling point for the dollhouse.
Are not all the doll programs this? The usual doll programs are personalities and skills from a group of people. Essentially they have scanned experts from all sorts of fields and have them ready to download.
In fact the whole "moral" issue they supposedly brought up is bogus because the only difference from this and previous downloads is that this one was apparently not programmed with a failsafe to auto return for a treatment.
I know it is just a TV show, but one has to view it as just entertainment, it will not survive even the most cursery logic. How could a doll possibly perform as a human if they have no past experience and memories to draw on? One has to accept that they have found a way to blend multiple memory sets and personalities together and have a control system.